HELP! I am in self sabotage mode!!!

It is 10:30 in the morning and I only have 240 more calories I can eat for the day. I have trouble excercising because of my weight and what is is doing to my joints etc. Why does a person do this to themselves when they want something so bad!?


  • vonnywaft
    It's hard to make changes, even when we know it's going to be good for us. be kind to yourself, if you make a mistake think what you'd say to a good friend in that position (hopefully it would be something kind and supportive!!) and then say that to yourself, instead of beating yourself up so you feel bad and eat more. It won't happen overnight, but you can learn to be supportive to yourself instead of sabotaging. I dunno if your into self help books but I'd highly recommend The Compassionate Mind by Prof Paul Gilbert - it really explains why we get caught up in low mood/anxiety and other sorts of traps that keep us stuck. It's not about diet at all but I think it's relevant.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Right come on STOP!! you could either carry on eating high cal foods and sabbotage even more or pull it back have a small bowl of cereal for lunch and a pile of veg for dinner. I did this last week and saved my feelings of guilt. I didnt go to bed hungry either infact I was pretty smug that I had pulled it back. You can do it x