Food scale

Where can I find a cheap food scale? Prices would be appreciated and if you have it and how well it works. Thanks so much! :)

Feel free to add as well... always looking for friends to motivate.


  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    Easy one. Try Target.

    I keep this one on my desk at work...
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    I agree. Food scales are a for calorie counting and for making recipes more accurate.

    If you buy one, here are some things to think about:
    * Digital

    * Flat top
    If you buy one with a flat top, you can weigh almost anything. Some come with bowls or jugs but aren't as flexible.

    * Large digits

    * Must have capability to do grams.
    Even if you've never used grams before, you'd be surprised at how useful the function is once you have it.

    * Precision to 1 g

    * Maximum weight
    Allow for ingredients plus bowl or saucepan. Good scales go to 3 kg.Some go to 5 kg

    * Tare (add and weight) function.
    Allows you to set it to zero with an empty bowl sitting on it. You can even weigh several ingredients as you add them to a bowl, resetting to zero each time. Most scales have this function.

    * Batteries.
    Check that you're happy with the battery type it provides. Some have AA or AAA batteries. Some have button batteries. These are all fine but you need to be able to replace them at short notice from a local shop. Your personal devil will make them run out just when you need them most.

    I just did a search on Amazon and this one looks ok: