Before pictures... 30ds. Be nice please



  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Holly you look beautiful already, your frame reminds me exactly of my daughter sheis 5 ft 4 inches3/4 inches almost 5 ft 5 inches tall and she weighs 118 lbs and she's in her mid 20's been slim her entire life.

    I understand your need to tone your body given I've listened to my daughter voice her body concerns. And mostly her concerns have been since she's left her teen years behind and she wasn't into a lot of exercise she isn't as toned and firm as she used to be, so she can stand to tone her body up through strentgh training and make her cardiovascular healthier through cardio work but not for weight loss because like you she's not overweight. In fact at one point she was having GI problems that had her weight drop down to 109 lbs and she looked sick, her clothes were saggy it wasn't a good look for her at all. It took a lot of months for her to get back to 118 lbs and in fact for a while she had wanted to gain more weight so incase she ever loss again from being sick or anything she wouldn't drop down that far in lbs, but she has since changed her mind. And is maintaining her healthy 118 lbs through healthy eating and toning through pilates class.

    I'm looking at your pictures and what you speak of as back fat isn't back fat, if your speaking of the curves that start after your waist line those are the beginning portion of your hips and if you were curvier and or bigger like a lot of women that would even branch out further on the side of your buttocks. Your what I consider like my daughter you smaller women but with curves, meaning hips and little buttocks, boobs but curvy which is natural. If you fight to lose weight and get down to 110 lbs you may find you probably will still have those curves because your frame may just be built to stay that way. I would work on toning and definintion, hey you could gain a six pack and your legs look great also but it's nothing a eliptical, running or strengthing with weights wouldn't help tone if you feel there is a problem.

    Find what exercise routine works best to reach your goals, always keeping a perspective and healthy goals in mind, I hope this helps you. By the way you look perfect to me, have a great day and take care.:smile:
  • gail2207
    gail2207 Posts: 133
    You look amazing, seriously. I'm so so jealous of you because i'm the same height and weight, yet I don't look half as good as you! You're amazingly toned already. But hope you get the results you want, you deserve to be happy :)
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    You look AMAZING!! I understand the desire to work on toning your body. I would go against the grain here and advice you to look up Brazil Butt Lift. It works your abs/butt/thigh area. It does not give u an athletic build but sexy curves..which u already have. Its going to enhance your booty and thighs. Look it up or catch an infomercial. I have way more to lose but I'm doing it rightnow.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I can't believe the number of people on this thread telling her that just because she's thin, she can't want to improve her body -- especially the people telling her she must have a psychological disorder. Ridiculous.

    Tell me about it. I don't get why eating healthy and working out isn't
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I think you look perfect as you are :smile:
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Curvy and toned up almost seem like oxymorons. If possible, do exercises that focus on where you want to be toned up, without building any muscle that would take away from your curvy figure.

    You can definilty be curvy & toned.. I don't want to look like a body builder or something lol, just not jiggly and some stomach definition would be okay too!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I think you look perfect as you are :smile:

    Thank you my mfp buddy lol
  • Cris725
    Seriously? If I looked like you I'd be flaunting my a** everywhere.
  • mswillems
    mswillems Posts: 11 Member
    Okay I am making a huge step in the right direction by trying to get over/work on my body issues. I am on day 9 of the 30 day shred. I wanted to post 'before' pictures, then on day 30 I will come back and post after ones... I am very self conscious about my body, I hope I don't regret posting these.. If anyone else has 30ds before/after pictures feel free to post them, I need the motivation!!! (btw In these pictures I am 118-120 at 5'4, my goal weight is 110)




    And lastly...this is the WORST one for me to ever post because I HATE my thighs with a passion. I never ever show my upper thigh area...not to mention my awesome back fat.. HOPEFULLY 30 day shred will kick my *kitten* into shape. On day 9 now, thats how long it took me to post these..


    Do you have some kind of body dysmorphia disorder? Your frame and shape are probably considered around the ideal already.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    You look great as you are. No question.
  • sweetsauvage
    OM-gosh,, you are the closet to my body-twin that I have ever come across!!! and I know exactly how you feel :(
    I am 5'4,, 118lbs-120lbs. I have always hated my thighs and love handles more than anything and through diet and restriction for several years, I went down to 102lbs and stayed there, undernourishing myself but I still hated my body! My thighs shrunk but they warn;t any less jiggly and I developed bulimia because my cravings would run so high, I couldn't help but binge and then purge not to gain weight. Just a few months ago I decided I wanted to conquer bulimia once and for all and started to eat like a normal person. Three large, healthy, meals per day, 1500-1900calories and within just a few weeks I gained all the weight I had kept off for years, right back! and the fat came back in all the same places. My thighs grew back and my love handles grew back because at 102, I was just a smaller version of my body shape. A small hourglass/pear. I am still trying to conquer my body dimorphic disorder but knowing that approx 120lbs is where my body wants to be, to be happy and healthy , I no longer want to lose any weight through starvation.. I just want to exercise and tone. I don;t know why I'm writing this.. I just felt compelled to tell you all this..!

    btw, What are you measurements? it would be freaky if we had the same.
    mine are 34-26 (in the morning) -36.25

    I am really really trying to get fit and if I ever feel super fit I would love to share my process pics with you because we are so similar...

    I feel your cals are very low.. you may lose weight like i did but its hard to happily maintain that weight :( Strength training is your best bet to feel good in your already incredible bod! btw. my body is not as nice as yours. It is similar but far from yours at the same time.

    I just really hope you fall in love with your body because it really is amazing!! It's hard to be 5'4.. and not super thin. Sometimes I feel like a tree trunk but its not how others see you! You are tiny and perfect. You are where I hope exercise gets me to be.
  • Frelling_Tralk
    Frelling_Tralk Posts: 56 Member
    Back fat?
    I am the same height as you..and would KILL to have your body!!!
    You should be thrilled you look like that!
    What I wouldn't GIVE to be able to have a flat stomach, perfectly shaped rear (yes..your is perfect), and legs that didn't rub together!!!
    Be PROUD of your are absolutely stunning, and I'm sure there are a LOT of people here who would agree with everything I have said!

    By back fat I mean the pudge that comes over tight jeans, and my thighs totally touch without clothes on! I hate it. I would kill to get rid of the fat on my inner thigh, its the biggest pain...its always been there since I can remember

    Nothing wrong with wanting to be more toned,but talking about your 'back fat' is very odd when you have literally none to speak of and look pretty tiny in the pictures you posted??

    And your thighs touching have nothing to do with fat on your inner thighs, most women don't achieve the thigh gap trend because their bodies just aren't shaped that way, it's all about the shape of your hips.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Strength train will help you build lean muscle and get that tone look you are looking for.

    30 day shred won't help? I want to get rid of body fat as well as tone. I planned on doing ripped in 30 next then either 'insanity' or 'p90x' But I am lost when it comes to the "best" way to get the results I want. I am pushing myself to eat more then 1200 calories because eating this little has stopped my weight loss. But I am convinced eating more = gaining weight. In my head when I go over 1500 calories I freak out because I have been sticking to 1200 for so long that 1200 to me is a maximum amount of calories. Me & food have a bad relationship. I have never starved myself or anything but I count calories like a psycho, and feel guilty if I go over what I think is to much. (also body dysmorphic disorder doesn't help either! I see a whale when I look in the mirror. Nobody gets it and everyone thinks I am fishing for compliments..I WISH that was the case, those pictures make me want to hit the delete key and send them to my recycle bin and never look at them again! or cry.. or both) I think mfp has just made that a lot worse.. I wish I had a personal trainer that would say do this do that eat this not that... then I would be fine. I wish I had a healthy relationship with food, that I could go back to the days before I obsessed over calories and knew the calories of everything in my fridge

    Hi :) first I know you said you feel fat, and I cant change your own image, but I want to say that I think you are a nice figure, in my opinion. I am wondering, not to be nosy, but do you feel like you dont like your natural curves, like the pic you took from back? Can i ask, are you trying to have like a model's waif-like figure? I dont know if that is possible to have a figure if you are just naturally curvy, you'd have to have surgery to shave down your hips or remove a bone. im just sayin my opinion. just thinking out loud here. It looks like you are at a good figure, so i dont know if someone told you that you were fat or if you just have that image from how you think you look.. amazing how we can look at our own self as see one image, and then someone else sees you totally different.

    Well i dont have any advice to give, but just to let you know that i think you are a nice shape right now, and give yourself props for it.

    Wait, i thought of something, not sure if this would help, but perhaps if you dont like the way your figure looks, you might have to wear a different fashion that would make it how you want it to look. maybe its just as simple as that. i mean if you want to try to lose weight its your choice, but perhaps in the meantime a different kind of clothes might make you feel better. i mean there are articles about even the actresses and models have to wear different kinds of bathing suits because each of their figures were different. Like an old show where they featured these beautiful women who were lifeguards, and the different actresses with perfect figured even had to talk about various bathing suits that they had to have to enhance their figure. so even with beautiful models they have to do that too.

    by the way, im not trying to sound like im talking inappropriately, but just being honest about such things. our bodies change as we get older. we are not the stick thin 12 year old boy shape like we were when we were 12. gravity and changes in our body happen and so you wont have the same figure you had at 12 as you do at 18 and then 23, etc.. its life's natural thing that happens to us. Try to love yourself as you are and the beauty that you have at each age :)

    sorry didn't mean to be preachy, just trying to encourage.
  • mkuklane
    mkuklane Posts: 4
    Sweetie, you have a GORGEOUS body! I wish I was even remotely as in shape as you are. And your thighs? I would GLADLY trade mine for yours! You have a perfect body, be PROUD of it!!!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    You look amazing already and will look even more amazing after.

    Ahh...early 20's I had no idea how banging my bod was back then. Its not quite so nice in my upper 20's but I am more comfortable in it. Trust me. You will probably look back on your body now and realize its beautiful and wish you had only known!