
I just have to give myself a little pat on the back, as I got my lipid panel results back yesterday. At my job, we are doing a wellness plan that included a lab workup. Goals were set based on those numbers, and if you meet the goals you get a decrease in your health insurance premium.

*I was to lose 15 lbs...have beat that (lost some weight before I found I've lost 17.6 total since that workup)
*I was to bring my cholesterol to an acceptable level. As of the test this past week, I've dropped my cholesterol by 58 points, down to 155.

I have an extensive family history of high blood pressure/high cholesterol so this is huge for me!

This just solidified for me that the changes I am making aren't just about getting into smaller jeans. They are about making sure I am as healthy as I can possibly be for myself and my daughters!



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