Need bit of knowledge!

Hi Guys, i'm pretty new to this & need as much information as possible.

Goal: to loose weight 155lbs to get lean
height: 5ft 10
age: 21

ok so what i wanted to know is my daily calorie intake is 1,700. My BMR is 1,770. But on my phone it also states net calories? What does it mean by net calories?

Do i input my exercise through out the day or is this already included in the 1700 calories i'm allowed per day? or am i doing this totally wrong?

I'm so so confused. I don't seem to be loosing weight from the looks of things. i mean as i input my exercises i can intake more calories so it'll for example end up like 2,200 at the end of the day (food intake).


P.S you can check my daily food intake etc! :)
