Should I ever feel hunger?



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Swap out your sugar and carb-laden snacks for higher-protein stuff like Greek yogurt and nuts. That'll fix ya. :wink:

    I totally agree. As far as snacks go, cereal bars and crackers are pretty poor choices for keeping you satiated. I like yogurt, handful of nuts, Mini Babybell Light cheese, peanut butter with celery, veg and hummus...all keep me going until the next meal.
  • MissDoray
    Hunger is the feeling of slimness happening! Learn to love it.

    I eat 4 small meals a day and fill in with an apple when I get a hunger pang. Sometimes I even save up enough calories for an Oreo after dinner.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I find if I eat porridge\oatmeal for breakfast and home made soup with chick peas in at dinner I never feel hungry. As well as lots of water. Soup strangely enough takes longer to digest than solids. They proved it on this programme with soldiers. Half ate a solid meal and half ate the exact same thing blended. When the solif food soldiers bellies were empty a scan showed the soldiers who had blended their food still had food in their tummy and felt fuller. I tested the theory and it really works. I rarely eat anything other than home made soup for dinner as it keeps me so full. I load it with chick peas and lentils. At 189 cals and 2g of fat its ace.
    1. Roast tomatoes and onions with some garlic.
    2. Whilst its roasting toast some cumin seeds and chilli flakes in a large pan. Add chopped tomatoes, red lentils, knorr stock pot and seasoning. Should be spicy, salty from the stock also. Add water. Allow to cook.
    3. Tip caramelised veg into the pan and let it simmer together, then blitz. Add herbs of your choice and plenty of chick peas.

    I make a huge batch that does my partner and I dinner for the whole week. I also do a delicious variation where you:
    1. Roast tomatoes, lots of red pepper and onion in balsamic vinegar.
    2. Stock pots and chopped tomatoes with lots of mixed herbs in a pan. Add brown sauce or worcestershire sauce.
    3. Add caramelised veg and balsamic vinegar and blitz. Add chickpeas and cook through. Mini pasta shells optional for both. This soup is beautiful and is a winner with everyone who tries it. It rolls in at 150 cals per serving.

    Really really works for me, and if I'm really hungry I have a extra bowl if I've exercised, because for the calories you can!

    Good luck... Hope this helps x
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    In agreement with the others who recommended yogurt & nuts. I go for the vanilla greek yogurt with walnuts and blueberries mixed in. It's really yummy and keeps me satisfied for 2-3 hours. All of those special K snacks do nothing for me; all they do is make me crave more junk.
  • buckobuckobucko
    When I get hongry I was trying the water thing but for me, putting a lot of water on a empty stomach makes me queasy. So I started drinking Coke Zero instead and it seems to work better for me.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I eat 4-5 smaller meals a day because of this issue!

    for me anyway, it doesn't matter WHAT I eat or even HOW MUCH I eat - it's how often that leaves me satisfied.
  • buckobuckobucko
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    It is not dangerous to feel hunger....but you need to be aware of where you are on your hunger can find an example of a hunger scale here.

    This may be of help to you - to others it may seem like a load of rubbish, but take a look at it and use it if it makes sense to you.