Breakfast cereal just doesn't cut it anymore

Does anyone else have this problem? After cereal (Cheerios) for breakfast, my stomach is growling like crazy in 2 hours or less.


  • msteaplease
    msteaplease Posts: 32 Member
    Yes! I always have this problem with breakfast cereal. Once I made the switch to protein for breakfast, I realized what I was missing out on! Now I love my homemade breakfast sammies!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I have so had this problem! Then I switched to either Kashi Go Lean or Oatmeal and I add either blueberries or raspberries and now I stay full longer. I needed something with more protein too. I LOVE and highly recommend the Kashi cereals. :smile:
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    You need to eat protein with your breakfast. Cereal alone just doesn't cut it! Try having a scrambled egg alongside your cereal and see if you notice a difference :)
  • peterson_jessica
    Try eating a more nutrient dense/high protein cereal such as the Kashi Go Lean cereals. They have quite a few flavors that "have as much protein as an egg" and also have a lot more fiber than Cheerios and other kinds of cereal. I am always hungry, but Kashi cereals keep me full until lunch.
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    I have the same problem.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    Protein is the best thing to have in the morning especially for weight loss (according to Dr. Oz and some other fitness experts). I love having egg beaters or protein shakes which typically fill me up until lunch time. I also like Kashi cereal when I'm craving some carbs!
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Throw in some fruit!
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Protein shakes. YUM!
  • jenlee_74
    I started eating kashi go lean cereals that have generally 10 grams of protein and I was surprised when I wasn't hungry 20 minutes after breakfast! I also eat alvarez bakery complete protein bread for breakfast toast or snack and that helps a lot too.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    oatmeal or scrambled egg whites fill me up! yum!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    A bowl of cheerios would have me wanting 10, and they I would be hungry in 30 minutes. Have something with high fiber like kashi is good.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I usually have a whole grain toast and peanut butter with my cereal. If I had to go longer than three hours before my next meal, I would have two toast or something else to go along with it. Considering how little a serving of most cereals is, there's no way it's enough for a meal.
  • nesman89
    nesman89 Posts: 10 Member
    Steel cut oats with fruit or Wheat just boiled in water.
  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    I made french toast this morning 2 eggs healthy life 35 calories bread used spray canolia oil. sprinkled cinnamon on it and used sugur free syrup. drank a 1/2 cup of milk. this made enough for me and my daughter. 300 cal in total.
  • Snubbleup
    Thanks for the suggestions - I'm definitely trying something with more protein for breakfast tomorrow!