exercising demons

after my 2 hour work out I kind of wanted to die last night. But yeah Me, I doubled my weights, reps, and sets, also Spent an hour on the cardiac arrest machines (40 min on the stair master and 20 more on the treadmill).
I recently got it in my head that I wanted to run a marathon Well, I had a revaluation last night; which is that only the bat **** crazy people see this goal to the finish line yes, I am poking fun at you nutty runners (I have three Marathon runners in my life).
I don’t think that I will ever run for fun. For me going to the gym is like penitence. Like having to walk in front of a full house congregation 5 days a week, and confess all the sins I've committed IE: lust of chocolate, and all that is cakey, and worship of the gods Couch and Remote, and least I forget the long standing adulterous relationships with Mr McDonald, and Carels Jr . dredging through these sins is at best uncomfortable, but when devotion causes me to apply strenuous effort to cast out these demons its down right agony. why do I keep going then? For the same reason I get up early on Sunday. the promise of a stronger healthier me keeps me dragging my overly ample rear end back to the temple of pain.