Why doesn't Strength Training show up on the feed?

Sorry if this is a total noob question.. i have been here for almost a year so you would think I would know this by now. But does anyone have any idea why the things we add under "Strength Training" do not show up in our news feed? I'm not even going to lie... I like showing off what I have done for the day. it makes me feel good about myself to show my friends what I have accomplished.

I get that it burns very few calories, but its still something to be proud of and I wish it would show up like my cardio does. Does anyone have any idea why it doesn't?


  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    Log it the strength training under cardio as "strength training" and it will come up on the feed. The actual exercises will show up in your diary when logged under strength training. I agree that it's not ideal.