Really Could Use Some Support Today!!!



  • melrose09
    It's great that your friend loves you the way you are, but you need to do what makes you feel good about yourself. Being overweight is unhealthy. Everyone knows that, she knows that. Just tell her that you appreciate her unconditional love, and maybe ask her to join you on this journey! Tell her about mfp and let her know that together, you guys might be more successful.
  • phibre
    I am familiar with your frustration. I just gained 4# over the Super Bowl weekend. I have joined a heath(e)tech group. We meet in Philadelphia @ Aria Torresdal Hospital. Our instructor is very thin - so is our daughter. no help there! I exercise regularly: walk 3 days & play volleyball 2 days. To my excercise regimine, I added bike & swim. I weighed in this morning @ 279#. Dinner is the most difficult time for me; I'm famished. I ate fruit last night; it didn't tide me over, so I ate an oatmeal cookie 150 Cal. But I stayed within my Cal goal 1800-2000 Cal. My Metabolic rate @ rest is 2600. I hate it; but I keep a Cal & exercise chart. I have to check-in with our instructor @ Aria on Monday nights. If I reduce my Cal intake by 500 Cal/day I can lose 1 pound in 6 days. 250# is my goal for Summer so I fit into my Speedo!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Just like everyone else above me who has commented! Change is scary! But the fact that you have taken the first step towards a healthier you, makes you that much stronger! You didn't put the weight on overnight, you're not going to lose it overnight. Patience and perseverance my dear will take you a long way! I know exactly how you feel. My hubby tells me he thinks I'm perfect the way I am. My mom constantly nags me about how much I have to lose. I know both are trying to be supportive and understanding. Like another poster said, weight loss is personal. Making the decision to eat healthier and change your lifestyle is a personal choice. Do it for you, your health and your self-esteem. Try not to bother with what others may think. It will impede on your efforts!
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    You are doing this for yourself, and it's not just about weight, it's about being healthy. People who should be sharing your concerns and goals, but aren't motivated or don't have the discipline, will tell you that you don't need to do it as a way to make themselves feel better. They are trying to rationalize their lack of motivation. DO NOT let them get you down.

    Do it for you and if you need some cheering on and help I am there you can add me.
  • haj0808
    haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
    Being hungry all the time is like detoxing. Your hungry mainly because your use to turning to food. Get over that feeling. Is feeling hungry killing you like being over weight usually will. So when your feeling hungry this is the time to create new habits. First ask yourself am I really hungry..if so what was the last time you ate and what did you eat. If it wasnt a meal..meaning a sit down and eat not a grazing and walking around the house type meal sit and plan out your next meal and grab a healthy snack. No chips no a couple of cookies to tied me over. That's not a meal nor a snack that will hold you for more then an hour WHY because all of the suger keeping you hungry. So work on on breaking your old eating habits..even before excerise. You can do it. Water no soda..plan plan plan.