Desk Job - Help

I have a desk job for 8 hours a day, where I'm the first contact for anyone that comes in.
I'm not allowed to leave my desk except for lunch and bathroom breaks.

Is there anything that I can do while I sit at my desk as far as exercise?

Thanks for your help!


  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What about exercising before or after work? That's what works for me.
  • flyingwrite
    Walk in place. Do the Stanley! Grab a ream of paper and do leg lifts. Take the long way to the bathroom (use one in a different department if applicable). Take the stairs. Take a short walk before you eat lunch. There are SO many things you can do and nobody will ever know. ;) Good luck!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    My job is like that too! I used to bring a resisitance band with me to work but stopped...I should probably dig that up again. You can work your triceps by lifting your body up from the seat. Google Office Excercises.

    I run up and down our stairs 3 flights a few times on my potty breaks. hahah every little bit helps.

    Good luck!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Leg ups. Sit on the edge of your chair. Hold on to the seat. Raise and Lower your legs.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the time you are at your desk. Go for a walk on your lunch break.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Take the long way to the bathroom? Go to one further away, and run up some steps in the meantime?

    Walk during your lunch break?

    Being chained to your desk sounds horrendous. What kind of job do you have?
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    umm, maybe a gripper like this:

    but really.. no.
    but thats not as bad as some people think it is.. as long as your do something outside work 3x a week, you're just as fine as someone that runs around all day.

    just dont sit around eating at your desk, and account for the fact that you burn less calories, and you'll be fine.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm at my desk pretty much all day too (although I can get up whenever I want), so I make sure I stand up and at least move around my office once an hour. Staying seated all day isn't exactly good for you, so I would try to stand up and move your legs a little once an hour (even if it's just at your desk).
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Stand as often as possible.
    Drink lots of water so you can get up and move around at least once an hour.
    And move your tuckus on your lunches, walk in a park or go to the nearest store and browse for your lunch time.
    I'm strapped to a desk all day myself and these are the only tips I have found that really work for me.
    And then I get home and kick butt to a video/go to the gym and run.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I have a job like that. Pace the floor when it's not busy.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I have the same problem, and would be interested in what people suggest too.

    So far, I have been able to make little adjustments. Our office has a hallway that circles the building with offices on both sides. Every time I have to get up from my desk I go all the way around it. Our lunch room is upstairs and the drinking fountain in on the ground floor. I will go upstairs to heat my food or tea, then go back down to fill my water bottle, then back up to get my food.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    I'm lucky enough to have an empty hallway outside my office, and I get totally crazy. Lunges, sprints, jumping jacks, little Zumba dances.
    And I don't care that its on camera, since I'm the one in charge of the cameras!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    this too.. hehe.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Some of my days are spent sitting at my desk...those are the days I really struggle. Even though it's not something you can log, one of the things I do is just "suck it in." Kinda work those ab muscles as you are sitting there, when you reach for stuff, give it a little extra effort, that kind of thing.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have the same job! I have been trying to find something as well. I tap my feet and walk around my desk alot. I don't count it as excercise because I am sure it doesn't burn more than 20 I would love to hear some other ideas
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    I also have a desk job..8-9 hours a day.

    I find working out in the morning is the key. This revs up your energy level for the work day.

    As for desk exercises, you can always do arm circles. I do 100 each way. Also, calf raises...make sure you SQUEEEEZE the muscles. Also, just general fidgeting has shown to burn and extra 200-300 calories a bounce that foot all day long!!!!
  • wannagofast27
    can you stand up at your desk? When I worked at a gas station I used to stand at the counter and go up on my tip toes over and over. slow and then fast. It helps tone and build of your calf muscles. other than that, aren't you leagally allowed 2 15 min breaks for each 8 hour shift? sometimes I would go and walk the parking lot at my last desk job.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Sounds exactly like my job. I make time before work, during my lunch breaks, or after work to exercise.