Green smoothies question....



  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'd focus less on the sugar, and more on the fact that you're filling your body with energy-giving whole-foods in that powerhouse smoothie! Granted bananas do have a lot of sugar, but in place of a processed, high sugar cereal, bar or instant oatmeal you're gonna feel great! Plus you're getting lots of fiber with it. My personal fave is: 1 C coconut milk (or rice, soy, whatever), 2 C spinach or kale, 1 banana, 1 T Peanut Butter, 1 t. cocoa powder, 1 T chia seeds, topped with a handful of ice and give it a whirl.

    Me, too. Real food to my understanding is not like eating processed or refined sugar as in just plain sugar or white flours, white rice, white pasta, 100 calorie junk snack packs, etc. I still aim for more veggie calories than fruit calories over all. My favorite bkf smoothie is 1 c berries, 1 or 1/2 banana, 3-6 oz spinach, 2 Tbsp cocoa powder, stevia, 1 T ground flax seeds, 1/2c unsweetened soy milk. Tastes like chocolate banana to me. For lunch I've been hooked on my 6 oz.bok choy, slice of fresh ginger, 185 gm pineapple, and 145 gm orange smoothie!

    I'll have to try kale in my chocolate smoothie! I started with bok choy as that is one of the healthiest greens, too. Good idea to mix them up!