At a standstill for over two weeks...

I've been counting calories since December 6 - from that date until about two weeks ago, I lost 15 pounds. Since then I've gained three and find it impossible to get losing again! I'm very frustrated and getting really upset with myself.

I kickbox (at an academy, not a home video or anything) three days a week for an hour at a time, since July. The classes are more like a boot camp as we do many, MANY situps/pushups/sprawls/run/jump/etc. throughout the class, so it's not just hitting. I eat 1400 calories or less a day and drink more than enough water. My sodium is high due to soup for lunch and baked chicken breast at a lot of dinners but that wouldn't be inhibiting the loss to this degree!

Can someone give me honest, healthy ideas of what to do to get back to 2 pounds lost a week? Or more of course :) I'm going to make my food diary public for the help. I don't eat perfectly every day but generally contain the bad foods to one weekend day.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    To me it is pretty clear you aren't eating enough. If you don't fuel your body properly, it can't function properly. You are routinely leaving 1,000+ calories left that MFP is suggesting you eat. Doing a crazy workout like kickboxing can't be fueled with a measly 1400 calories! At least eat *some* of your exercise calories back- try eating half back for 2 weeks and I bet you'll see a change.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I also should have mentioned, 2 lbs./week isn't recommended for many people unless you are extremely overweight. Aim for one pound/week, it is much more realistic, sustainable, and healthy.
  • hcs82
    hcs82 Posts: 17
    Thank you. I am considered extremely overweight, right now I'm at 227 and I'm only 5'5". My end goal is 150. So I don't think two a week is overkill...but I appreciate the note.

    On days I work out (Monday through Thursday, I mix up which classes I attend) I do end up snacking more before class to get some protein in, so sometimes I do have more than 1400 calories but I never eat back the 1000 I burn! I don't know that I buy into this 'eating back your calories' thing because it just makes no sense to me. I definitely don't think I'm starving my body by any means. My doctor doesn't get the 'eat back' thing either, nor my head nurse mom.
  • hcs82
    hcs82 Posts: 17
    Any more feedback, please? I don't think my fat intake is too high to rebuff the calorie counting...I've never experienced this before, I've always been able to lose when I count calories in the past.