Starting lifting, is this good?

I'm trying to transition to lifting heavy as a female as so many on mfp have suggested. Gym is not an option so I though I would start with this plan. Would love feedback.

Background-at my goal weight (155 at 5'3" ) but not goal shape. I run 3 miles 2-3 times a week and do Jillian Michaels circuit training DVDs for a little strength but only using 3lb. Trying to increase slowly to avoid injury (my neck starts hurting quite easily).

Is this a good plan? I don't know all the real names o these moves so please forgive me:

 3x a week. 2 sets of 15 with 5lb dumbells, move to 10lbs after 2 weeks. Keep increasing by 5lb every 2 weeks:

1 Squat and lift dumbells above head on the way up 
2 Push ups
3 alternating front lunge with bicep curl 
4 alternating back lunge  with tricep push back
5 sumo squat with tricep dip
6 chair squat with chest curls?
7 plank to chateranga back to plank back to chateranga etc
8 deadlift with dumbell lift above head


  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member

    5 sumo squat with tricep dip --- ??????? do you mean a row?

    6 chair squat with chest curls?
    I can not serious think of what a chest curl is

    8 deadlift with dumbell lift above head
    Do you mean a clean and jerk? because you don't use a dead-lifting motion to do that.

    ** I would say figure out what these other lifts are and you should do fine. Also try to add pull ups, and a bent over row, since you don't have much in here for your upper back.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks so muh for the feedback. I will look up what those other ones are called and the one you suggested.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Oh and I noticed a major typo, I'm 115lb, not 155!
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Look into body weight exercises if you don't want to buy any weight or go to a gym

    Convict conditioning is a great book
    and Youtube: Body Rock TV

    If you do want to move some weight try:
    Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
    and New Rules for Women