if i was a personal trainer...



  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Not intimidating, and that would probably work for some people.

    But you look small to me, so I wouldn't approach you looking for training tips.

    (No offense meant btw, just pointing out facts)
  • lilyjay_
    From a woman's perspective, you appear approachable. Sometimes an overly muscular trainer seems to intimidate someone who is overweight and lacks confidence, just want to lose weight or keep fit. For some reason when the trainer is overly muscular, you feel an uncertainty that you might end up looking like him, when you don't want that.

    I agree with this!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Maybe if you were wearing different shorts.
  • BoxingCoachMo
    Maybe if you were wearing different shorts.

    haha good one!
  • BoxingCoachMo
    Not intimidating, and that would probably work for some people.

    But you look small to me, so I wouldn't approach you looking for training tips.

    (No offense meant btw, just pointing out facts)

    Thats cool mate.

    People in general will judge by how you look, but when they here me talk sense then they will think yes this guy knows his stuff.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member

    Thats cool mate.

    People in general will judge by how you look, but when they here me talk sense then they will think yes this guy knows his stuff.

    Talking sense is fine, but if you have no real world experience lifting, why would someone think you could train them?

    Is my form right? (You don't know because you don't squat heavy)
    I have a weird tightness in my shoulder when I shoulder press, is that normal? (You don't know because you don't lift)
    Etc etc etc..

    See where I'm going?

    If you are simply looking to train people in cardio/overall health at a big box, you may be fine, but if your client wants to build muscle, how can you teach them if you don't know how it's done?
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Not intimidating, and that would probably work for some people.

    But you look small to me, so I wouldn't approach you looking for training tips.

    (No offense meant btw, just pointing out facts)

    Thats cool mate.

    People in general will judge by how you look, but when they here me talk sense then they will think yes this guy knows his stuff.

    For me,it's kind of a catch 22-I want a trainer who appears kind and approachable at first, but also is hard enough to really kick my butt and tell me like it is. I'm also kind of fussy-I wouldn't approach a trainer who appears soft or not in very good shape (and there are actually some trainers at my gym that don't appear very fit.) I feel that a trainer's body is a walking example of what they can do for me, and if they don't have the self-discipline to follow a good plan then how will they be a good role model or support for me?

    Your face seems kind and not intimidating, which is something I would look for if I were first starting out and scared of being judged.
  • sxyfitmomandwife
    sxyfitmomandwife Posts: 328 Member
    I've been training for a while and I work at Bally Total Fitness now Bally Sport and our trainers all look so different it wont be the way you look why people train with you or not.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I think that really the only things that would make someone unapproachable as a trainer is to be too far on either extreme, obviously overweight/out of shape or extremely muscled (for people that might be timid).

    That being said, my lifting coach in college had a massive beer gut and was a chain smoker. He got me to work harder in the gym than I ever have in my entire life. My high school rugby coach was an old guy in his 60s that was like 140 and maybe 5'5. To this day I think he could lay me out in a ruck if he had to (I have well over 100 lbs on him and nearly half a foot).

    Be good at what you do, word of mouth will trump any physical appearance disadvantage you may have over the next guy.