Anyone else havd/had a salt addiction?



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I'm a salt addict. I've tried to cut down and on some things I've succeeded but not on eggs, tomatoes, potatoes or salad...the list goes on a little! Luckily my BP is within a healthy range and was told to increase my salt to help with severe muscle cramps which i get bouts of so I'm not overly concerned
  • angel_north
    angel_north Posts: 51 Member
    there is a salt substitute in the spice isle of almost every store.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yes there is. I have one that is made with potassium. It's ok.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Theres a salt alternative called LoSalt, 66% less sodium but it tastes more like salt and vinegar flavouring to me...great on chips but I just used twice as much to get the taste I liked so I've only bought it once.
  • passionately_kate
    passionately_kate Posts: 99 Member
    Great stories guys! I found after I quit, I can taste salt in food now!. I read a comment about how things taste boring without salt. This is from the addiction. When I was addicted to salt, everything tasted "bla" and everything "Needed!" salt. Now that I have stopped....Clean since April 2011 lol. I can taste the salt in food now and it's amazing how salty the food is that I used to add salt to before! Astonishing!. When I quit, it felt like I NEEDED was like quitting smoking or something and I don't smoke. it was incredibly hard. but once I stopped having cravings, it got easier. There are times when food actually does taste "Bla" but I tell myself NO. because if I add it now, I'll start adding it again to foods. It's as addictive as heroin, smoking and cocaine, as per the article I posted. So if you think about it this way..... If someone quit smoking, or drugs, do you think they could have "a taste" or "just this one time" before they start using again??....How many people have you met that "used" to smoke and then go to have "one drag" or "one smoke" and then next think you know, they're smoking again. Lol. So, I have stopped and only eat it if its in food now and I find salt almost over bearing now. I put it in egg salad once, just to see what it would be like because I don't put salt in anything anymore, and havent for almost a year. The recipe said "1tsp of salt", BLECH! gross! So....Next time I made it, i used it without salt. :) MUCH better :)