need support

HI all - I am a mother of 3 - (9 yr, 18 mo & 5 mo)

I was a stones throw from being at me ideal weight when # 2 surprised us & then # 3 well you get the idea

so now I am starting all over again and it is a little disheartening.

Now dont get me wrong i love my girls but being a sahm doesnt really give me alot of support or money LOL thats how i found this- I used to do Weight Watchers before # 2 so this seems like a perfect fit for me-

oh & still Breast feeding BTW but this weight just is sticking like glue this time


I know i can do this again I guess I just need to hear it

Thanks in advance all


  • Yes you can do it Radically Change your Thinking and it will Radically Change your life God Bless!!!
  • I just started thisprogram myself and think that it is great. As you know Weight Watchers teaches you that tracking every bite is key. I found this program with the listing of food to be the easiest way to track. It makes you think about what you are eating. Remember your ABC's. All Bites Count. Take it one day at a time. Good luck and I wish you well.
  • klhinrichsen
    klhinrichsen Posts: 26 Member
    I retrained my brain. Everytime I feel I have" to do something, I say to myself I "get" to do it. I get to run/walk today. How many people out there who can't because they are paralyzed or physically handicapped? I think about this when I lose my motivation to exercise or continue in my training or races. Participation in races like Donna cure for Breast cancer just makes running to me more of a blessing to be able to do instead of a chore to do. Take it one day at a time. We, Mothers, are our children teacher. We must not fail if we want them to succeed. You can do it !