Sugar vs. Splenda



  • abradley114
    abradley114 Posts: 39 Member
    Splenda is chemicals!!! Try tuvia or stevia they both are good and natural stay away from splenda and diet coke ( notice that mainly fat people drink diet coke and use artifcial sweetners) When i stopped using artifcial sweetners and stopped drinking Diet Coke i lost weight!! (Granted I was using splenda way to much and drinking diet coke a ton) Plus you feel healthier when u cut that stuff out anyways!
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    My goal is not only to lose weight but to eat a much more healthy diet. So I have eliminated all *added* artificial sweeteners.

    I use stevia powder in my protein drinks and Truvia in my coffee and tea. Truvia doens't seem to have the little bit of bitterness that straight stevia can have in some things, but it does have 3 carbs per packet. So I use pure stevia when I can.

    I use raw, unpasteurized honey (or maple syrup) on things like oatmeal, baked apples, etc. I really like the idea of raw, local honey: it's supposed to help with allergies, too. I haven't tried agave, but I've read good things about it, and if I do any baking, I plan to use that instead of sugar.

    If I'm out somewhere and have to chose between sugar and a blue/pinkl/yellow packet, I'll chose sugar.

    There are still some prepared foods that I occasionally eat that have artificial sweeteners in them (e.g. SF Jello), so I still get some of that in my diet. But since I've given up diet soda and many other "diet" foods I used to eat in exchange for whole foods, the totals are much less than what I used to consume.

    Having said all this, I did a couple weeks of extreme low carbs (24 grams max per day) and it really broke my sweets cravings, so I don't need as much of any of this as before.

    And that's my $.02!