Erratic scale readings

I'm reluctant to post this because it sounds like I'm looking for excuses, but does anyone else's digital scale give wildly inconsistent readings? Here's an example: Yesterday morning I woke up crazy early, weighed myself in the bathroom at it said 144.8. Two hours later when I got up for real, I weighed myself again -- and had GAINED 4 POUNDS. Then this morning, after a day 1500 calories of food and 60 minutes of hard swimming, I gained ANOTHER 3 POUNDS, according to my satanic scale. Clearly this defies logic, and possibly the laws of physics, but I could use some anecdotal back-up. I suppose I need a new scale.


  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day... first thing in the morning, when I wake up and right before I go to sleep. I am always 2-3 pounds heavier at night... last night I weighed in at 180.8 and this morning I was 177 - so that was an even bigger difference of 3.8 pounds.

    What you are saying sounds like you might need a new scale... unless you ate a ton of sodium?