I dont like to work out, please help



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    First, you don't need to exercise to lose weight. You just have to eat at a caloric deficit.

    There are lots of health benefits to exercise though. What do you like to do? You mentioned music, but what else do you enjoy?
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    You like music. If the house is empty, put on some great music; loud and dance yourself dizzy. Its a great calorie burner

    This^^^ I do this when I can. Music goes up and I dance like a fool. Working out doesn't always have to be difficult exercises - it can be a whole lot of fun if you do what you love to do.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    When i started i didn't want to workout, i was losing weight but wanted the inches too and exercise certainly helps - i eventually pushed myself into it and started on my wii fit and i did start to enjoy it. I now do walking most days, zumba 3 times a week and just started jogging 2-3 times a week. I actually love exercise now - never thought i would say that! Good luck hope you find something you enjoy. Mandy xx
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I tried to lose weight without working out and it didn't work, but once I started the pounds flew off. However, my definition of "working out" does not involve exercise equipment or a gym membership. I swim, do bikram and kundalini yoga, and bike and walk everywhere. These exercises are very relaxing and enjoyable to me. They are also convenient for me geographically because I live in the city with a free pool one block away and yoga studios all over the place.

    So my advice to you is to think outside the box and figure out what activities are fun and convenient for you. Not everyone loves going to the gym, and that's fine. Try lots of different things.
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    I don't mind the workout but I hate to sweat! My answer? Water Aerobics! 2 months now and I love it. It's a great workout and you can get in the hot tub after to help out those muscles. Look at your local YMCA.
  • malindab33
    malindab33 Posts: 8 Member
    Working out isnt always fun =( A few years ago I worked out alot but never really enjoyed it I was walking/ jogging 5 miles everyday! I lost weight but it got old then I stopped and started eating wrong and started gaining it back... The last few month I started back on the Diet but this time I decided to play my wii ( just dance 2) I have teenage kids and I wanted to try to beat their high scores.. It has made it fun.. so everyday I play about 30-40 and now I have just about got the high score on all the songs lol and the kids are having a hard time trying to beat me haha so I figure it gets them moving too so we all win! everyone getting in the exercise and we are having fun!!!
  • CharityEaton
    start small an work up to it. Start with 30 min 3 days a week or even 15 min. a day.

    In time you will see results and you will want to work harder.

    Also, if you have a wii or whatever game device. The just dance games are a fun way to burn calories without even thinking about it! They say a person burns an average of 6calories per minute doing the just dance game. If you jog in place or do a few jacks between songs its a complete workout.
    If you want a hardcore 15 min. workout go to bodyrocktv.com......pretty tough workouts but only about 15 min. long.

    Good luck!
  • Goalsforsusie
    Goalsforsusie Posts: 34 Member
    Simple walking will do it!! Get yourself a Heart Rate Monitor that counts the calories burned when you walk it is addicting!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I don't like working out. I do like bicycling, so I do that. I don't mind walking, so if the weather is nice I'll walk to the grocery store instead of driving. I take the stairs instead of the elevator. Etc.
  • dahvishont02
    dahvishont02 Posts: 50 Member
    If you have Comcast On Demand, you can get great workouts for free. They have a variety of workouts and time frames. Also, I have an app on my phone by Skimble called Workout Trainer. It is free and it has a variety of different workouts, different intensities and different lengths. There is a voice coaching you through the entire thing and it has someone demonstrating the exxercise. It is great.

    But workouts aside, don't think about EXERCISE, i am just finding ways to get moving a little more. Parking farther away from the store, taking stairs, dancing in the car and around the house, doing a lap around the store/mall before picking up my items. I am even moving a little more at work.
  • fit4leyef
    Have you taken a look at Body By Vi's 90 Day Challenge? I have several friends who have joined the 90 Day Challenge and some of them are using myfitnesspal to help them meet their goal. If you want to learn more, contact me :)

    Lisa Grayson
  • marquesajen
    You might not like it now, but you may in time find something you really like! Put your headphones on and take a scenic walk around your neighborhood, a park, or even the mall. Put some music on at home and dance like crazy! I have netflix streaming on my laptop and I do the Crunch dance videos because some of them are really fun. If you have a bike you could ride to places you need to run errands to. You can use a chair or books or anything instead of buying weights to lift too. You can lose weight without working out, but it is easier and you'll be more toned. When I was at my lowest weight I wasn't happy with my body because I didn't work out so I was flabby, even though I was fairly light. You'll also start feeling more energetic and probably sleep better as well :D

    Good luck!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    I think that "working out" to many people means going to a brick and mortar gym and doing cardio and/or weights, or putting in a P90X DVD.. I think your body only cares about calories burned versus calories consumed, so then we can say that you do not need to "work out" if you do not enjoy it, but you MUST get your rear end off the couch. Do ANYTHING that gets your heart rate above idle.. walk the neighborhood, do yard work, go hiking, walk laps in the local mall, yoga, walk up stairs instead of elevator, etc..

    I think that many of us think that working out is like a light switch, and either you do it, or you dont. I say that its easier to start the habit by small changes in behavior. for example, My office is on the 7th floor and I just made a decision to take the stairs instead of the elevator. even if I only did that once a day, that is still a positive change. I have also read posts where people print to a printer on the other side of the office to make themselves get an extra minute or two of walking each time. Start with a small change that you can maintain and build on that success.

    I live in Little Rock and I know that we have multiple groups you can join for walking, bike riding, hiking, and other activities.

    I wish you the best of luck, and I feel you will find an activity or activities that you do enjoy that will serve your workout needs.
  • amy22076
    amy22076 Posts: 16 Member
    i Dont like working out either but I love to do Biggest loser for Kinect or and of those games and you can end up doing it for hours and not feel like your working out. Even most cable have fitness on demeand and some are only 10 mintues long . dance around when you clean . Anything works as long as you move.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Find some kind of hobby like gardening or hiking or even something like photography where you're outside and moving around. You don't have to spend an hour a day in a gym to burn calories. Just stay active and eat healthy, the weight will drop all the same just possibly at a slower pace.
  • jedibunny
    I know I'm making excuses here, but I could use a hand too (and figured I could get some ideas from this thread so please pardon the hijack!). I live in an apartment with my bf and we both work, so when we're home, we just want to hang out with each other. I'm honestly a little embarrassed about the idea of sneaking in a workout via DVD or etc. when he's home, so I feel like I'd have to crunch it in when he's working long days and I get home earlier than him. I don't have the money for a gym membership. Do you guys have any thoughts??
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    If you have a gaming console, there are some really fun fitness games. I have a PS3 and a Wii. For my PS3, I have Active 2. It's a personal training fitness game. And for my Wii, I have Just Dance 3 and Zumba Fitness. The Wii games are TONS of fun! And you don't have to worry about looking stupid in front of other people because you don't know the moves!!! :D You will burn loads of calories and have fun while doing it. Also, try Yoga. I have a MTV Yoga/Pilates DVD. They're fun because it's upbeat but still very calming. And eat protein foods such as eggs, lean white meats, etc. They will fill you up and keep you full longer.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why not do physical activity together? Go for a walk or a hike. Do couples yoga or go swimming. Have fun with it :)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Find something that you like to do and just turn it into an activity. For me I look to explore and find me things, so I just on my bike and take a ride down a street I have never been on to just follow it to see where it goes. I also enjoy geocaching because I get to visit new places and I get out of my car and walk around to find the hidden teasure at the end of the hunt.
  • caller5547
    I loath working out and have never exercised in my life until now, I found a fitness program for overweight people. I feel so comfortable there and everyone is in the same boat, trying to lose weight and get healthy. The smiling faces and encouragement I get there is priceless and it makes me want to go just to see these people and do better. Maybe this might be an option for you? I find working out with others inspires me. Good Luck, you can do it!