Drinking 8 cups of water on this diet helps with what?



  • puddersjackie
    does tea count??? I struggle to drink one glass let alone 8!!! But tea.....now I can drink loads of that and it's decaf....it's liquid so it must count...surely!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    when you drink enough water, your liver doesn't need to help out the kidneys to their job. when the liver doesn't have to help out the kidneys, it can focus on its primary job...which is digesting the food you eat. You know what happens when the liver is helping the kidneys instead of digesting the food you eat....you got it, that food is being stored as fat.

    there are many other wonderful benefits of water as folks have identified above.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    What does drinking all that water ultimately help with? Is it more with curbing your appetite so you don’t eat more or does it actually help with more internal stuff.

    I’ve heard multiple things but what does it really do.. in your opinion or of actual fact

    It is recommend that your drink as much as half of your body weight. Ie: If you weight 150 divided by 2 = 75 ounces of water. Water is not only a good way to help curb the appetite but....it is essential for your body to stay hydrated.

    Here is a helpful link on why its important to drink water.

  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    does tea count??? I struggle to drink one glass let alone 8!!! But tea.....now I can drink loads of that and it's decaf....it's liquid so it must count...surely!!
    Decaf Tea does count, as do most water based drinks. Anything with caffeine in it should not, since caffeine is a diuretic.
  • Crimson21
    Crimson21 Posts: 148 Member
    It's also important to know that hunger is a side effect of dehydration. If you feel hungry, try drinking water first because it's one of the signs that your body is running low on water. I'm a Human Kinetics student and I study proper nutrition in depth, and what most people are saying on here is absolutely correct. It's extremely important to keep your cells hydrated so that your body functions work properly, it flushes out toxins, keeps sodium and potassium levels in balance, keeps your metabolism boosted and so forth. The more water you drink the better.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just wish the urge to pee would lessen. :)

    But think of all the extra bathroom running calories you're burning. :-)
  • HeatherTB2012
    HeatherTB2012 Posts: 22 Member
    I think it does help, but it's very, very challenging in my job (I'm a teacher) to drink enough - we're all chronically dehydrated because we can't get to a bathroom! Very frustrating :(
  • htmeadows

    Finally after 6 tries. ha!

    I have heard that changing the "img" to uppercase "IMG" works. I'll try it here and we'll see...

  • mrpritchett
    mrpritchett Posts: 4 Member
    You think 8 cups is a lot? My wife and I drink a gallon (16 cups) a day, every day. Water, as others have said, helps to control eating (as many times our "hunger" is actually thirst) as well as increase endorphines, gives increased muscle growth ability (as it helps reduce lactic acid in the muscle from use), as well as helps flush toxins from your kidneys, liver, and bloodstream, and helps to promote general health (our body is around 70% percent water). Another strange fact that I found to be true for me (not sure if others can attest to this): I had to get up during the night to use the restroom, but after drinking a gallon of water per day, I now sleep through the night, as I have already purged myself during the day. This may also be affected by the carb cycling we are doing (low carb days I spend 50% of the day in the bathroom). Hope this helps.
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    I've found on the few days I've come close to 8 glasses and I am taking a glass to be 8 oz, it's actually increased my energy, I used to drink red bull quite alot and a few days ago with the exercise and increased water I felt like I'd drunk 3 red bulls ! I was amazed, I've been starving my body of water for years
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    What does drinking all that water ultimately help with? Is it more with curbing your appetite so you don’t eat more or does it actually help with more internal stuff.

    I’ve heard multiple things but what does it really do.. in your opinion or of actual fact

    Mostly in mistaking thirst for hunger. And the Mayo Clinic says it's more like 9 cups for women and 13 for men, but all water counts--water in your food and water in juice, milk, coffee, tea, soda, etc, etc. Plain water from the tap or the store is in no way "pure" water. In fact, water is such a good solvent pure water is almost impossible to achieve, so it doesn't matter what is disolved in it. And BTW, it is possible (though VERY difficult) to drink too much water.

    For "actual fact" from real scientists, see: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Just wish the urge to pee would lessen. :)

    But think of all the extra bathroom running calories you're burning. :-)

    You know, I'm a bladder cancer patient who, thanks to treatment, is often unable to make to the bathroom in time. (You haven't lived until you've had to cross the entire supermarket and parking lot in jeans soaked all the way from crotch to hem with pee in your socks and shoes to get to your car. That is the day I started wearing diapers.) You can keep the calories burned in "running" to the bathroom if I can just quit needing so many diaper changes per day. 'kay?
  • lilu0629
    I found this from a 2009 CNN health article: "Research does suggest that drinking plenty of water may help you lose weight. An abstract by Dr. Brenda Davy, associate professor of human nutrition, foods and exercise at Virginia Tech, presented at last year's obesity conference in Phoenix, Arizona, showed that people who drank two glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes before every meal lost weight more quickly initially and lost significantly more weight than those who didn't. In another study by Davy and her group, published last year in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, she found that people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at that meal. This may not seem like much, but if you ate 75 fewer calories at lunch and dinner for the next year, you could lose about 14½ pounds! In addition, being even 1 percent dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism, which can also interfere with weight loss."
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    What does drinking all that water ultimately help with? Is it more with curbing your appetite so you don’t eat more or does it actually help with more internal stuff.

    I’ve heard multiple things but what does it really do.. in your opinion or of actual fact

    It is recommend that your drink as much as half of your body weight. Ie: If you weight 150 divided by 2 = 75 ounces of water. Water is not only a good way to help curb the appetite but....it is essential for your body to stay hydrated.

    Here is a helpful link on why its important to drink water.

    OUCH by that math I should be drinking 20 8oz cups of water! I shoot for 8 and have almost a pot of coffee too. I always see the suggestion to drink a cup of water before eating it help you fill up and triggers the sensation of fullness sooner, thus you might stop eating sooner. I have tried this and it works. When you first start drinking you are always up to the bathroom but it gets a little better. I have a desk job so it is good for me to move around .
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    does tea count??? I struggle to drink one glass let alone 8!!! But tea.....now I can drink loads of that and it's decaf....it's liquid so it must count...surely!!
    Decaf Tea does count, as do most water based drinks. Anything with caffeine in it should not, since caffeine is a diuretic.


    Nope...Tea is a Dioretic and pushes water out of system
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hey Raven.

    I have been pondering this and a related matter.

    When you 'lose' weight, where does the weight go? It can only leave the body in a few ways - bodily functions (No. 1 and No. 2s) and sweat. However much you sweat during the day or during even an intense workout, that will not be alot. So most must be the former.

    So when you metabolise fat, from your body burning the energy stored in fat because of your calorie deficit, it is a chemical reaction with fat or glycogen reserves as the input. The output? Energy, heat and probably water and a few other chemicals (like an efficient combustion engine is water and CO2 or something) - it must be this water and chemical that leave the body. This goes through the body stream, is filtered by the kidneys and leaves the body through you urine.

    Is that right?

    Therefore, you need to keep water flushing through the body to efficiently wash out all whatever the byproduct of fat burning is.??

    Just something I have been pondering....

    [I did once study science to a high level but I can't remember what exactly happens - the fat must go somewhere! You can't just lose matter/energy - Laws of Thermodynamics!]

    No, you can't lose matter/energy, but you CAN and do convert matter INTO energy. THAT's where the fat goes. It gets used as fuel, and is converted into energy. The by-products are filtered (liver and kidneys) and excreted, as you say. Water doesn't, and can't, "wash it away."
  • Jules5112
    Jules5112 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes it helps hydrate, it also helps flush out the fat, but it helps with constipation and basically in general we ALL should drink plenty water every day, just be glad we live in places where we have a plentiful supply of fresk drinking water :o)
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    What does drinking all that water ultimately help with? Is it more with curbing your appetite so you don’t eat more or does it actually help with more internal stuff.

    I’ve heard multiple things but what does it really do.. in your opinion or of actual fact

    It is recommend that your drink as much as half of your body weight. Ie: If you weight 150 divided by 2 = 75 ounces of water. Water is not only a good way to help curb the appetite but....it is essential for your body to stay hydrated.

    Here is a helpful link on why its important to drink water.

    OUCH by that math I should be drinking 20 8oz cups of water! I shoot for 8 and have almost a pot of coffee too. I always see the suggestion to drink a cup of water before eating it help you fill up and triggers the sensation of fullness sooner, thus you might stop eating sooner. I have tried this and it works. When you first start drinking you are always up to the bathroom but it gets a little better. I have a desk job so it is good for me to move around .

    I know! When I hear from Jillian Michaels that she recommends 80 ounces a day I almost DIED! It was so hard at first....and bathroom runs were a nightmare! But Now....its not so bad. I have 2 glasses in the am, 2 at lunch, 2 during snack and 2 by dinner. Make it a routine....

    One good thing I've noticed is my skin! I feel like my skin on my face looks healither and I look less tired!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    What does drinking all that water ultimately help with? Is it more with curbing your appetite so you don’t eat more or does it actually help with more internal stuff.

    I’ve heard multiple things but what does it really do.. in your opinion or of actual fact

    It is recommend that your drink as much as half of your body weight. Ie: If you weight 150 divided by 2 = 75 ounces of water. Water is not only a good way to help curb the appetite but....it is essential for your body to stay hydrated.

    Here is a helpful link on why its important to drink water.


    HALF your body weight? That would mean a 150 pound person would need to drink more than NINE GALLONS of water a DAY! That's not just insane, it's dangerous! Have you heard of water intoxication?
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    Helps me lose weight..Duh!!:bigsmile: My first week of drinking massive amounts of water I dropped 3lbs and I think I made a post about it too:)