high carbs without the carbs?

hey there guys.

So i've decided to change my macros to 40/30/30 (P/F/C).
For the past week I have cut out all processed carbs (bread, pasta, rice ect) except one 3/4 cup of oatmeal in the morning (after my workout).

Also switched to clean eating, the only thig that comes out of a packet is 0% fat plain greek yoghurt.

I eat maybe 4 times a day, using the portion size method (one serving of protein,palm sized, 2 servings of veggies, 2 cupped hands full).

I still seem to ALWAYS be over my carbs, they are always at about 50%, protein at about 30% and fats at 20%. I edited my diary and even without my oatmeal in the mornings i still manage to get over 40% carbs.

These were the same macros i had while i was eating processed carbs (wholegrain of coarse). How do i get a lot less carbs, as it seems they are all coming form my veggies.

my diary is open if anyone want to look but ay info would be a great help :)


  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Wow, you eat a lot of oatmeal. To be honest, that is probably the main thing you need to change if you really want to lower your carbs. Corn and carrots are higher-carb vegetables, too.

    Why do you want to lower your carbs? Not everybody needs to do that in order to lose weight. I have metabolic issues with carbs so, for me, I do have to eat lower-carb and usually stay within 80-100 grams/carb daily. I typically have 3 scrambled eggs for breakfast. If I ate oatmeal for breakfast, I would have a blood sugar crash that would make me feel like crap and make me feel famished.

    Does this happen to you? If so, you need to change the oatmeal to something else. If not, you probably don't need to lower your carbs.

    BTW, I never worry about carbs from vegetables. The only vegetable I avoid and will only eat occasionally and in limited quantities are potatoes. The carbs from corn, carrots and such don't seem to have a negative effect for me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,984 Member
    I quess you would need to eat less veg if it's carbs in veg that you believe to be the problem. To have 40% of your calories from just veg your either not eating very many total calories, or you have a feed basket attached to your face. Of course if you increase your calories and consume more protein and fat, your carb % comes down without actually eating less veg....see how that works.

    After taking a quick look at your diary, most of your carbs are coming from grain products and dessert type foods. Anyway veg is not your problem, believing you need to have a precise macro is.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    Most of my desserts (eg protein cookies, protein cheesecake) are my recipes for post/pre workout, high protei based. the onyl other grains ii know of is oatmeal
    yes i eat a lot of it, everyday for breakfast, its quick and easy, never thought oatmeal everyday was a bad thing?
    Any reason as to why you dont thik its good to have my macros set as this? im at maintenance ad ligting heavy rather than loosing weight, so i thought this was the next step into toning ect.

    Funkycamper: nope, no blood sugar crash, i rn right after breakfast so i thought these carbs would give me energy?
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Most of my desserts (eg protein cookies, protein cheesecake) are my recipes for post/pre workout, high protei based. the onyl other grains ii know of is oatmeal
    yes i eat a lot of it, everyday for breakfast, its quick and easy, never thought oatmeal everyday was a bad thing?
    Any reason as to why you dont thik its good to have my macros set as this? im at maintenance ad ligting heavy rather than loosing weight, so i thought this was the next step into toning ect.

    Funkycamper: nope, no blood sugar crash, i rn right after breakfast so i thought these carbs would give me energy?

    Re-read my post. I said if you are having blood sugar crashes or any other negative impacts from eating the oatmeal, you might need to change to a different breakfast. If not, you don't.

    In fact, since you don't seem to have any problems with carbs, I'm confused on why you want to cut them further. You seem to be doing just fine at the level you are at, right? The oatmeal seems to be the only really high carb thing you're eating, it is really the only thing to cut. If you have energy, are losing weight and/or inches, etc., why not just eat at the carb level you're already eating at?

    I'm guessing you really just want to up your protein for building muscle since you're lifting. I know that is easier said than done as I have a chronic problem eating enough protein myself. I'm on the same 40/30/30 split you are and I rarely hit my 40% target for protein. Maybe adding a protein powder to the oatmeal might help?
  • Wuptdo
    Wuptdo Posts: 3 Member
    I'm border line diabetic 54 years old, just joined weight watchers and for the last two weeks I have logged everything I have eaten. I am not a pop drinker and have eaten more raw and healthy than I ever have. I have cut way back on my pasta and starchy foods and have only lost 1.4 pounds. I dont understand the carbs without carbs. I am eating green veggies, am I getting too many carbs from those?
    I know I have to kick up my activity level and I feel my metabolisim is against me. How can I kick start my system?
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I looked at your diary and the carbs I'm seeing aren't coming from your veggies. They are coming from hidden sugars, like in the teriyaki chicken. Sugar is carbs. Maybe you could try a menu more like this.....
    Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss
    Two poached eggs over Fried Green Tomatoes
    Two strips of nitrate-free bacon
    Grilled turkey burger with pepper-jack cheese and green salsa
    Creamy Red Cabbage Slaw
    Cajun Pork Chops
    Sautéed Kale with Red-Pepper Dressing
    Spicy Country Low Carb "Cornbread"
    Spiced pumpkin seeds
    Cheese Stick
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm a 54 year old diabetic who is controlling with food and exercise. When i started getting serious about losing, it took me 3 weeks to lose 1# so don't worry about the scale. In fact, I say ditch the scale. Put it out of sight and only weight about once a month. Twice at most. I think the scale is the devil. There are better ways to monitor your progress.

    The only thing that works for me to kick start my metabolism is exercise. Diet, of course, is important, too. For exercise, I do a combination of heavy lifting, interval training, and steady-state cardio. The exercise actually allows me to eat more carbs without any problems, at a level that's easier as I don't have to be stringent, and I'm losing inches even when I'm not losing pounds.

    Dropped a pant size from Christmas to last week without any weight loss. Just broke my weight loss stall this week with a whole 1# loss. Do I care? Not really. I'll take the skinnier jeans over a number on the scale any day.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    For breakfast try 1/4 cup oatmeal, cook it, then top with carbmaster yogurt and some strawberries. The protein in the yogurt will also slow the digestion of the oatmeal to help keep your blood sugars in check.
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I looked at your diary and the carbs I'm seeing aren't coming from your veggies. They are coming from hidden sugars, like in the teriyaki chicken. Sugar is carbs. Maybe you could try a menu more like this.....
    Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss
    Two poached eggs over Fried Green Tomatoes
    Two strips of nitrate-free bacon
    Grilled turkey burger with pepper-jack cheese and green salsa
    Creamy Red Cabbage Slaw
    Cajun Pork Chops
    Sautéed Kale with Red-Pepper Dressing
    Spicy Country Low Carb "Cornbread"
    Spiced pumpkin seeds
    Cheese Stick

    ^^This. I've recently been doing the same thing with my macros for the last 4 weeks and cut out all grains (corn is a grain!) and sugar (except fruit and little honey). I would switch out the oatmeal for some eggs or even a green smoothie.
  • Wuptdo
    Wuptdo Posts: 3 Member
    Well that is a boost to my ears. I just cant seem to move that scale. So I will NOT weigh myself. Actually my pants do feel more loose so when I weighed in at WW this past week I was shocked to see .4 pounds. I dont want to get discouraged. And for that little bit I should be cheating but I'm not. I havent watched this close in a very long time. I stopped drinking my wine which I had about 4 nights a week and No soda at all. I have eaten alot of fruits and veggies. Now what can you tell me about the carbs in those?
    I also went to Gordon Foods thinking I would purchase a huge bag of fruit and they all had 19 g of carbs.....what??!! I am reading labels like crazy drink only the Almond milk on my cereal. For the changes I have made the pounds should be melting off but they arent. Metabolisim. And hormones, border diabetic issues. Its helpful to know you are making a difference and we are simmilar. Thanks for sharing tips you have
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    If and when I have oatmeal, I have it in the morning BEFORE my workout. And always include some protein with it. I eat all the fruit and veggies I want. And most days I am under for my carbs. If you want to reduce carbs, cut out sugar, but not fruits. I never eat cereal anymore. But I never worry about sugar in fruit. Those are natural sugars.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Um. Fruit has sugar you know. (Edit: this is directed towards Wuptdo)


    Eat more vegetables and keep fruits as treats if you wanna keep the carbs down.

    Also, most root vegetables have alot of carbs, so stick with things that grow above ground.
  • Wuptdo
    Wuptdo Posts: 3 Member
    I know fruit has sugar however isnt there a difference in fruit sugar vs starch sugars?