the database on MFP can be frustrating...

i don't like to rely on the information in the database because i know it can be inaccurate. i will only use the information if i don't have a specific brand and/or restaraunt information to go off of and compare for accuracy. i understand that the database is mainly user entered items, but sometimes i wish the entries would be a little more detailed on what is being included in the count (i.e. are the numbers for only half the serving, what ingredients are/are not being included, etc). i HATE guessing because i want to be as accurate as possible. okay...vent over!


  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I think this data base is so much more inclusive than other sites I have tried. Sometimes I have to look at several options to find one that includes all of the nutrients I want to record, but it's still quicker than entering my own. I know one of the nonfat milk entries doesn't include sugar and I didn't realize that for a few days but then found one that did include it.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Yes. It's frustrating to have to sift through all the crap that can't possibly be right to find reasonable estimates. Some entries have calories, but no fat, protein, or carbohydrates. Some have 100 grams of fat, but only 25 calories. Some have no fat, but lots of saturated fat. Some have quantities in the title that don't agree with the quantity in the entry.

    I noticed the other day that the website (as opposed to the iPad or iPhone apps), lets me say yes or no to "Is this data accurate?" I'd hope that items that are voted inaccurate over and over would drop out of the database, but I don't know that it happens that way. And I'm sure with so many users here, people can enter new inaccurate information faster than people could vote out the inaccurate information in any case.

    My solace is that even the info on food labels is only accurate on the average, so the added inaccuracy of user estimated data will all average out over the long run!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Honestly, I've found most of the basic ingredients, and a lot of the restaurant information to be correct (or as published, at least). I like to spend a little bit of time every now and then putting in my own recipes and meals. It really doesn't take that long, and like I said, most of the "ingredients" (i.e. a raw egg, uncooked veggies, table salt, uncooked meat, etc.) seem accurate enough. I tend to look at calories and serving size on packages, though, before I cook something, so that helps me gauge accuracy.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member