Jeff Dunham



  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Jeff Dunham? never heard of him :huh:
  • ivansmomma
    I think he's hilarious and would love to see him live...but is he worth dropping $70 a piece for tickets??

    Are you kidding me?? It's JEFF-FA-FA... DUN... HAAAAAAAMMMMM! Of course it's worth it!!! lol...

    .COM! Never saw him live, but again - if you can afford it, I'm sure it would be worth the $70.00!! Better than blowing it on a night of partying with a headache the next day!!
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I love Peanut! Oh and I keel
  • Tlcw96
    Tlcw96 Posts: 13
    I love him ...he is hilarious. He would so be worth $70 to go see.
  • LadyBuell
    We have tickets to see him in a couple of weeks. I didn't buy them so I don't know how much they are but I can tell you I so can't wait. Him and Terry Fador sure did a lot to bring ventriloquism back. I always laugh so hysterically when I see his routines. I am sure that I will be leaving that night with my sides hurting from laughing so much because that's the way it was when I saw Gallagher many years ago. I thought he was funny enough on tv but totally hilarious in person.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I'm also in Reno; have found very few shows that come through here with cheaper tickets than that (the Nugget is one of the few that does go lower, and not much). That said, I caught him last time he came through town (pre-viewing his Xmas material before the holidays) and it was money well spent. If you can afford it, I say go. :smile:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    If his show is new material, then you should. Of course, I wouldn't pay that much regardless, but if you're a huge fan then it's worth it.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I think he's hilarious and would love to see him live...but is he worth dropping $70 a piece for tickets??

    If I could spare the money, I would like to think it would be worth it!!
  • billgiersberg
    I just saw him in Atlanta but for $50. I have enjoyed him a lot on TV. he show is not much different because if you are like me and are quite a bit away from the stage, you end up watching it mostly on a big overhead screen. Without that you could hardly see the dolls. He started off with a slide show about himself. Then the dolls came out and did most of the old stuff with some regional humor added in. After a couple of those, there was an intermission. Then he brought out Achmed. Achmed's show was also the old stuff where his legs kept falling on the stand and they taped them down so Dunham cold manage both Achmed and "his son." Peanut came out and did mostly old stuff too. Is $70 for one? If so then if you go with a spouse, the cost is really $140. My son got me tickets as a gift and that's why I went. I don't care for crowds to be honest. The arena had seats that packed you in like sardines and the lady next to me laughed at absolutely everything as if she was on a laugh track and her husband almost coughed up a lung every time he laughed at something. Three chicken wings cost me $9 and I threw out the fries... thanks MFP. Parking was $20!!! I'd suggest you use the money to go out to a nice healthy choice restaurant, rent a DVD and stay home and snuggle. But that's just me....
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I'm also in Reno; have found very few shows that come through here with cheaper tickets than that (the Nugget is one of the few that does go lower, and not much). That said, I caught him last time he came through town (pre-viewing his Xmas material before the holidays) and it was money well spent. If you can afford it, I say go. :smile:

    Ain't that the truth? I mean it's not like we get many big name performers here; but when the bigger names do come through we get bent over w/o the benefit of KY on ticket prices.

    That being said, Jeff-Fa-Fa is playing @ the Reno Event Center...I've been there for Big Horns games and it's a relatively small venue. But it seems like all of the tix left are way off to the side or way in the back. IDK if I want to pay that much for seats that could suck, you know?
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Totally work it.
  • mdgtfrmhll
    mdgtfrmhll Posts: 12 Member
    I took my son this past weekend to see him and the tickets came out to $90 after everything. The laughter I heard coming out of that kid would have made it worth it even if I wasn't laughing just as hard. If you have the money to spend, it's definitely worth it.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I think he's hilarious and would love to see him live...but is he worth dropping $70 a piece for tickets??

    I think it depends on your financial situation, but if you can afford it, why not? Don't you deserve it?
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Love him, I think he is hilarious. Love the characters too. My favourite is Achemd. I would pay $70 to see him.