Impatiently waiting...

Does anyone else have the problem of being patient with the pounds they are losing? In my head, the 9lbs I've lost since i started is too slow. When i stop and take it in perspective, my start date was 1/24/12 was 16 days ago, so i guess 9lbs isn't THAT slow, i'm just terribly impatient!
I still keep all of my stats in a spreadsheet so i can calculate an estimated weight on a given date, and i'm on track, so its like sitting in a car for a looooong road trip, you know eventually you are going to get there, but i keep i there yet?
Anyone else have this problem?


  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I read recently that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your own weight loss, 8 weeks for the people closest to you to notice, and 12 weeks for the world to notice. I don't know if it's true, but it has been my experience.

    I used to get impatient in the beginning, but I think it was mostly fear that I'd never reach my goal or that the weight loss I was experiencing would somehow just stop. After a few months of consistently losing weight, I realized that wasn't going to happen and now I don't get impatient any more. In fact, at times I've even gotten a little concerned that if I lose weight too quickly, I won't be able to keep affording new clothes!

    Try to enjoy the journey. Anything worthwhile takes time.