What Are The NEGATIVES To A Raw Diet

I'm reading all about the benefits and testimonials related to the Raw Diet. It seems like a little hard work but well worth the effort. Can anyone tell me (or point me to a website) that tackels the negative side to eating a Raw Diet? Aside from high blood sugar, what concerns or problems come up?

Has anyone had a bad experience with the Raw Diet?


  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    It sucks :) been doing it for 3 weeks now ... did I mention it sucks!!!
  • Its hard at first....like super hard. I now eat meat but not near as much as I use too. I might eat it like once maybe twice a week. Watch the movie 'Food Matters'
  • For me eating enough calories is hard. That might be why it sucks for the 2nd poster. I feel great on it, though, and it really "resets" your perspective. Plus I enjoy food prep and I lurrrvvvv veggies and fruit!

    And in regards to the high blood sugar thing...yes, can happen, jsut keep it in mind and it won't. I watched a short documentary on how 40 people with type II diabetes were at a raw vegan camp and they all weaned themselves off their insulin. Pretty cool.