i refuse to fail

Hello All,

I am once again attempting to lose this weight. I have tried so many times and I am tired of starting over. It is my goal to stick to the plan and lose 50 lbs before my birthday in August. I want to be healthy and look the way I desire. I am looking for members to keep me encouraged so that I can do the same :smile:


  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    I love your attitude. That is how I am aprocahing it this time. Sending freind request.
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    you seem to have the right approach. I am going to send you a friend request and hope that we can help motivate & encourage each other.

    I have already lost 35 but aiming for another 45 or so.
  • katkat1717
    katkat1717 Posts: 143 Member
    I will send a friend request i have about 70 more lbs to go, but we can help each other get there!
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks Guys...And Girls...I am hooping to get more friends for her.....:smile: