A healthier ME!

Hello everyone! 2007 until now has been very rough for me....battling breast cancer, chemo, radiation...and to top it off the chemo damaged my heart! The chemo itself put over 30lbs on me that I plan to take off this spring. No more waddling in self-pitty...I'm going to be the healthier ME that I was before 10/07. Let the hard workouts and healthier eating habits began!!!:flowerforyou:


  • italgirl
    italgirl Posts: 2 Member
    welcome! new here, too! go for it and we are happy to support you :-)
  • Wow! You've been through loads but glad your getting through it! Time to do something nice for yourself! This really is a great site! loadsa support! Add me if you like! Good luck x
  • That's right girl...and I will be right there in the trenches with you! :bigsmile:
  • :bigsmile: