Wholeness, mind, body, and soul...

Hey everybody, I'm joining fitness pal as a motivation to lose weight. Prescription drugs from the past drove my weight up and now I'm trying to lose weight to a healthy body weight which should be around 145 lbs that's almost 50 lbs I'll have to lose, but I'll do what it takes. Aside from that I also work on getting my inward side looking just as healthy and beautiful, so my character can match the physical transformation :) I'd love to meet new friends and to encourage others on their journey too. I am a member at Goodlife but right now I'm doing a little Shawn T (hip hop abs) and some Zumba from my home. Wish me luck!!


  • I do a little bit of everything: Shaun T is great! I love hip hop abs. I also do Zumba, Dance Central 1 and 2, Curves, just whatever I can get my hands on. I am not ready for Billy Blanks, Insanity, or P90X yet. :bigsmile:
  • With that kind of philosophy, you are pretty much halfway there already :happy:

    I do a class called Body Balance which is a combination of yoga, pilates and thai chi, I find it mentally calming and spiritually uplifting, it's also probably a good thing to do after a cardio workout or trip to the gym. It is centered around building the core muscles, it aids balance and burns between 300 and 350 calories per hour.

    You have a great mindset and I wish you all the luck in the world :heart: