Maximize fat burn - Incline walking, cardio, hiit?

Hi everyone! So i've been struggling with losing weight for awhile now but i've recently kicked into high gear..

With that being said, I've been going to the gym as much as possible (usually every other day/every two days, I know I need to work on going daily) and do a LOT of cardio. Usually either 50 minutes on the elliptical, or I break up those 50 minutes between the elliptical and treadmill (maybe elliptical for 25, running for 20, walking for 5). I do this because I've learned that once you get your heart rate up to your target heart rate and keep it there for 20ish minutes, THEN your body begins to burn fat, so I figure this way I at least get 30ish minutes of fat burn.

However I was wondering - is this the best thing I could be doing to maximize my fat burn? I have heard that speed walking on an incline is good too, same with HIIT, but which is THE BEST? or a mix of all? If anyone could help me I'd appreciate it sooo much! :)