27yr olds, Trying to get fit in LA

Hi all, I'm not new to using MFP but this is my first time posting on these forums. Just wanted to do a quick intro and maybe find a few fitness pals:

27yr old from East LA. About 5 years ago I tipped the scales at around 297lbs. After seeing that I was almost 300, I decided it was time for a change. Slowly I dropped to 230lbs and last year I decided I wanted to take the next step and get fit.

I bought a gym membership in May 2011 and that's when it begun. I started with 3 days on the treadmill using the 'Couch to 5k' plan and I loved it, although it is at 4am... Once I finished the program, I started working out 6 days a week(running and weights 3 days each) and I am really enjoying it. In that time, I have gone down 33lbs and I hope to go down another 15 - 20lbs by May of this year.

This has been a fun journey that is in no way over. I plan on running in a few 10k's, the Disney half marathon with my niece, and in December I hope to try a Spartan race. Another thing, I am really looking forward to the summer. My whole life i've been overweight and HATED taking off my shirt. I can honestly say that I will go to the beach and actually enjoy myself for the first time.

Thanks for reading!


  • wow...you're doing so well!!! You must be feeling so fabulous with those goals and your persistence....keep going,.....hey check out Crossfit in LA, I'm sure they have one...I do it in Aust.....you sound like you could give that challenge a go, and a great way to get muscle tone while enjoy your cardio aspects!!! An Aussie thumbs up to you!!!!
  • I was actually thinking about joining something like that. I want to see how much I can actually accomplish. To think, a few years ago I couldn't run 1 mile without stopping and usually timed them at around 16mins/mile and I have been able to cut that down to 8mins/mile.

    Thanks for the advice!