I'm having a hard time sticking to 1200 calories... :(

What's wrong with me? I just feel like a pig right now! I went out to eat with some friends to celebrate an exam being over and a new job, and we ate at Hard Rock Cafe. Came home, looked up the calories... I'm about 550 over my daily alloted cals. Disgusting. And I feel so full, I could die. I only ate about half of it but I accounted for that in my calorie counting.

On a normal day I can manage, but any change to my "system" just throws me off balance. I need some tips, help, anything - what do you guys do when you have to go out and eat?


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    i enjoy myself and know that I can either work out and work some of it off, and go back to it the next day. One day of going over didn't make me fat and one random day or meal isn't going to keep me fat either.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I usually know ahead of time, so most places have cal info online nowadays. I just look for what is safest for me to order. I also didn't see you mention any kind of workout. If you had done some form of exercise, eating those calories will help lower or eliminate the overage.
    If going out to dinner with friends, eat beforehand if possible. Then just order soup or a small side salad or skip dinner and save room for a bit of dessert or have a fun cocktail.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    First of all 1200 cal may be too little for you so relax you don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

    Also you are bound to go over eating somewhere like that.

    Try a week of better planning don't allow yourself to go hungry then if you hav to you should manually adjust your cals to 1350 or something suitable.

    Keep at it and chill out! :flowerforyou:
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Yes, yes. Sorry, panicky moment. :ohwell: I get weird about food sometimes.I just love my little devaluating voice that talks to me when I eat too much.

    That's a really great idea about the checking out their menu ahead of time, bahacca. Unfortunately in eastern/central Europe most restaurants don't bother tracking their nutrition.. but still, at a place like Hard Rock Cafe it would have been easy.
  • ChevelleGirl
    I check the resturants web site for food facts. Plan ahead with what I am going to order. I drink a huge glass of water before I leave, and one as soon as I get to the resturant. Order a side salad to start off with dressing on the side, by the time my food comes, I dont have room to eat it all. But even If I did, I would still be fine since I did my homework before I got there! I tend to plan a day or so ahead as well, so I work in extra work out time if I can.

    But as someone else said 1200 cal might not be enough for you, and relax, none of us are perfect and we will all screw up form time to time. Just get back to it the next day!
  • uberbebe
    I have your same problem, as do we all, and its quite frankly impossible to go out and not cheat, if not extremely difficult. I would invest in the Abs Diet products. Its not a diet, its just excellent nutrition made easy...the guy who wrote the book also has a whole series of "eat this, not that." Those books explain better choices you can make when your out. I actually have found it impossible to stick to 1200 per day, I always end up eating about 1500, but I try to work out for 30 minutes to get it back down to 1200 by the end of the day. If not the abs diet, maybe go to the bookstore and spend some time exploring all the diet and exercise plans and pick one that's good for you. I personally find it very hard to do this all by myself, so I have enlisted the help of the Abs Diet.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not surprised, I would have problems too. The reality is that a lot of people can lose weight eating a whole lot more than 1200, maybe re-look at your goals - although we all want to lose weight instantly, choosing "lose 2 pounds a week" may just be too agressive and unrealistic for your body.
    And don't forget that if you exercise you get to eat more.
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks! :) I feel a lot better today, getting on the scale soon so we'll see how I'll feel after that... I haven't chosen to lose 2lbs a week, but my BMR is not that high. :( I just love food.