Mini Goals

I think it helps to have mini goals then just the final Goal

SW 186
CW 179

GW 140

Mini Goal- March 1st - 3 weeks.... 7lbs/172lbs

Do you do mini goals?

What are you mini goals?


  • JessLiane22
    JessLiane22 Posts: 10 Member
    LOVE THE IDEA OF MINI GOALS!! I have about 180 to lose and I find the short term goals help get you through it. My first one was 2 weeks with no junk food-no weight loss goal. Just wanted to form new habits. Now that I finished that I suppose my next goal will be a monthly one...I would like to lose 15 pounds in the next 4 weeks. Let's do this!:D
  • kittyminxx
    kittyminxx Posts: 14 Member
    My mini goal this week was to walk to a certain spot on the dog walk and back again... did it yesterday ;) wasn't anything to write home about its just nice to be able to achieve little triumphs that i set myself ><
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Its great to have mini goals. They help to keep you going.
    Mini goals in food
    Mini goals in exercise are good.

    Lets do it together ladies..
    Lets make our mini goals and keep to them.