Question/Jillian DVD's/Slim in Six, etc

How come it's OK to do 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six, etc, every day, when it's working the same muscles? It's not really cardio, it's squats, lunges, arms, etc (in addition to getting your heart rate up). Seems weird to me. Just wondering. (That, and I hurt too bad the next day to do it Thanks!


  • I am doing 6 days a week of Jillian. I have the extreme shed and shred I do the whole hour and I do the ab workout I also got the yoga meltdown. I switch them everyday. First week I was so sore could hardly move but LOVED it now its week 2 Im feeling stronger and not so sore. I think its ok to do every day because you dont target a single muscele its pretty much total body. I love it I have gotten awesome results in just 2 weeks already.
  • Push threw the pain...
  • ladybb7
    ladybb7 Posts: 134 Member
    I do it every other day instead of everyday.... it works for me
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I personally couldn't do 30DS every single day. I started to get knee problems. I would rather do it every second day or something. Or rather switch it up with another video. I think part of the problem was doing the exact same moves over and over again.

    Overall, I think the reason it's not too bad is because it's light weights and such but I still prefer not to do it every single day.

    ETA: And regarding pain, be VERY careful. Try to figure out if it's just sore pain or pain pain. I had a friend who was doing Insanity and she royally messed up her knees (barely able to walk for weeks) because when her knees started to hurt, she didn't stop, but continued to push forward so be careful. If it's just sore pain, then stretch a lot to help and you will eventually get stronger and be able to do more but if it's pain-pain then take it easy for a bit and do the modified versions.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    I do Ripped in 30 every day Mon-Fri and immediately follow that up with 6 Week 6 Pack on Mon/Wed and Killer Buns & Thighs on Tues/Thurs. I started with 5 lb weights, moving up a level each week. When I got to the end of Week 4 on Ripped in 30 I dropped it back down to Week 1 but bumped up the weight to 8 lbs, currently back to Week 1 and up to 12 lb weights.

    I only working the exact same muscles for 1 week then switch it up a level, I find week after week I work the same body parts but slightly different muscles which is definately making me stronger. If you're really sore the next day, it's either a good idea to do every other day... or maybe you're using weights that are too heavy at this point, so drop the weights down just a bit. Try to keep the weights heavy enough to get a good burn but not so heavy that you're still dying the next day.

    I also run and bike. I'm considering the JM DVDs my 'base training' to get some strength in for marathon/duathlon season. When the weather warms up a bit, I'll back off the DVDs, maybe a couple times a week and ramp up the time spent running and biking.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    ETA: And regarding pain, be VERY careful. Try to figure out if it's just sore pain or pain pain. I had a friend who was doing Insanity and she royally messed up her knees (barely able to walk for weeks) because when her knees started to hurt, she didn't stop, but continued to push forward so be careful. If it's just sore pain, then stretch a lot to help and you will eventually get stronger and be able to do more but if it's pain-pain then take it easy for a bit and do the modified versions.

    Also watch your form. Knees and back are especially prone to issues if your form is off. Keep the weights extra light until you've got the form down.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I do it every other day instead of everyday.... it works for me

    I do this too.
  • A70sgirl
    A70sgirl Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think that every other day will work best in my world. I really need cardio as well, so every other day is good. In terms of pain, I'm just doing something that I'm not used to. It only lasts a couple of day. I'm already feeling stronger!!!
  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    I personally couldn't do 30DS every single day. I started to get knee problems. I would rather do it every second day or something. Or rather switch it up with another video. I think part of the problem was doing the exact same moves over and over again.

    ^^ This. Some days I can do it everyday.. but I dont do it for more than 3 days in a row otherwise a) I physically can not push myself thru it and b)I end up with chronic knee pain.

    I do it every 2nd day unless I feel like it. On the alternative days I will ride my stationary, go walking or do a different dvd
  • jlong86
    jlong86 Posts: 2 Member
    For all of you that are using Jillian's DVD's how do you track them in the exercise diary? Because you don't know the exact calories burnt, and they are not quite cardio, and you do so many different strength exercise?
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    For all of you that are using Jillian's DVD's how do you track them in the exercise diary? Because you don't know the exact calories burnt, and they are not quite cardio, and you do so many different strength exercise?

    Circuit Training.
  • jlong86
    jlong86 Posts: 2 Member
    Great thanks!