Dieting when sick :(

Hello, everyone! I have a question about what everyone does with their dieting when sick. I think I have a stomach virus (it's been going around at work) and just cannot drag myself into exercising at all. I also just can't bring myself to eat my calories. I think that I'm at 900 calories today and that might just be all I can do.

I've heard a lot about "starvation mode" and I don't want to ruin my diet by not eating. I usually eat 1400-1500 calories a day. If this keeps up for a few days, will I ruin everything that I've been working for? What do you guys do about eating your calories when you are feeling sick?


  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    I just did a search and typed "sick" and there was a similar post a couple of days ago. Not eating for a few days all of your calories is not going to put you into starvation mode. I am sick also and have eaten practically nothing but I am listening to my body. If you feel hungry you will eat, otherwise rest up and try to feel better.