30 day shred

Hi everyone. I just started the 30 day shred today. I'm looking for some friends/ supporters who are also participating in the shred. :happy: I was also wondering how to track the exercise? Is it cardio or should I track the strength too?


  • kelgwin36
    kelgwin36 Posts: 142 Member
    Most Jillian workouts are considered circuit training.

    Good luck!!
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I've been doing it since the beginning of Feb, but not every single day (I try to work in other exercise too.) I was super sore the first few days, but it goes away!
  • vwlgirl
    vwlgirl Posts: 40 Member
    I am on level 2 day 10. Feel free to add me!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I just completed day 2! I log it as 25 minutes of circuit training. I include the warm up and cool down. I will friend you;) Please friend me:happy:
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    I just finished day 3.. today was a lot easier than day one.. still pretty sore though! :)
  • hmb0626
    hmb0626 Posts: 31 Member
    I will be doing the 30 day shred along with my Kettleworx videos next week, I plan on alternating days.. Good luck.. I have seen and know some people who have gotten some real success with that video and with other Jillian workouts.
    Please feel free to add me..
  • SewManyBlessing47
    SewManyBlessing47 Posts: 27 Member
    Im on Level 1 and did Day 2 today. My legs are still sore but I know it will go away in time. I started my new way of eating August 2011 and have lost 35 pounds so far. I also joined a local gym, I love going. Training with my husband, who has been a great help. So please friend me. I would love the advice, chat and success stories.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    I will be be finishing day 6 tomorrow!!! Feel free to add me!!
  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    I did it for 16 days (everyday). I really enjoyed it! but hurt my shoulder (not doing the shred, doing just dance 3 on wii :) so I am out from it for next few weeks and I am really bummed about it. Miss u Jillian!!!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I am on level 2 day 7 feel free to add me. I was doing it everyother day until this week. I decided to keep doing it every other day but to do "Ripped in 30" on the other days. It does get easier and you will feel your strength increase. In the beginning I could barley do more than 3 girl pushups. I can now do about 45 at a time and I couldn't do one guy pushup and I can now do about 2 at a time.
  • zgdsmith
    zgdsmith Posts: 114 Member
    I just ordered the 30 day shred. So, i'll be starting it the beginning of next week. Feel free to add me. I would love to hear how it's going for other people that have just started it. Excited (and nervous) to start it!
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    I finished day 2 last night and will be doing day 3 tomorrow. I am 30DS with C25K. . I had to do different cardio workouts instead of the jumping jacks& jump rope etc.. because I have had some sore shins & do not want to aggrevate them more. I had really bad shin splints in the past and jumping jacks/jump rope were the main cause. Otherwise i love the weight training.. Feel free to add me, would love some support too :)
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I just finished up level one (day 10), and will be starting level 2 tomorrow, and looking forward to it! I can already feel and see a difference.
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    I started the Shred Feb 7th. But I am doing it for 2 days and then cardio for 2 days, for 30 days. I can not just do the Shred everyday. I will get bored. Today I am doing Cardio. I do 10 minutes of a biggest loser dvd (jillians segment) and then I will do 40 minutes of a Kickboxing dvd I have.

    I did the Shred in November 2010. I completed it 30 days later (I did it every day for 30 days). I lost 6lbs and 12 inches, without a major change in my diet. I am hoping for a loss of 10lbs this time around. I am 6 weeks postpartum with my 3rd child and I want to lose about 25lbs. 15 of that is still from my pregnancy.

    I log in it as circuit training, but I just got a heart rate monitor a few days ago and I love it.
  • I ordered my DVD today! I cant wait for it to get here in the mail :D Anxious...
  • I just started today myself, I couldnt get thru the whole thing just yet, im actually gonna try it again tonight..Im pretty determined.. Feel free to add me
  • mslenee
    mslenee Posts: 1
    I started the 30 day shred Feb 25... today is my 10the day I'm still sore but not as bad wanted first couple days and I'm on level 2....:smile: