
Soda is my weakness!! Ughhh, and it's aggravating. I find myself exercising to earn calories, or saving points. Today I was able to have only 2 and I didn't freak out. Anyone else have this problem??? Any ideas on how I can change this habit???


  • Photoology
    Photoology Posts: 121 Member
    For me... I would tell myself that I could only have one every other day... and then it went down to only twice a weekend and then once a week and now I am pretty much off soda (maybe once a month). I had to gradually get it out of my mind that I wanted it. I will not buy any soda for my home so this way I am not reaching for it when home and doing paperwork...and always carry a water bottle, so if I am thirsty, its the closest thing to me.

    Its hard and remember, on average, it takes a month to change a habit. Just stick through the change of your habit and it will get easier.

    Also... Soda has a lot of sodium in it (I believe that the companies add this so you remain thirsty and have more).... so remember... less soda... less sodium :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i read somewhere that an apple has as much energy as a soda. so i substituted my afternoon 3pm soda with an apple. and some almonds.
  • lilfurson
    For me I quit cold turkey. It was a goal of 2012 to not drink any soda. I had to detox for at least a week. I had to take excedrin to replace the caffeine.

    Now I drink a ton of water and if needed add in some crystal light or propel zero.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Switch to diet soda or try cold turkey? I switched to Coke Zero.
  • cathyallen
    coke zero is my weakness. 0 caleries. as long as I get my water in for the day......i don't feel bad about drinking them.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i was a major soda drinker. i love love love my coca cola. i started by limiting the number i was allowed a day. two was it. then i replaced one of them with a diet soda. then i replaced both of them with diet sodas. then i only allowed myself one diet soda a day- two if i need caffeine to keep me going at work. that is where it stands. i know the haters will freak out cause i drink diet soda. but it is better than 5-6 regular pops a day.
  • eolivero
    Back in medival times, monks (and some Priests) would sprinkle ashes on their food so they wouldn't indulge in the deadly sin of gluttony.

    Try pouring salt into every soda you open until the thought of drinking a soda is repulsive. :tongue:
  • Lucinda1013
    Lucinda1013 Posts: 27 Member
    I am also a big soda drinker. However, I have trying to stay away from it for the past couple days but so far I have failed. It really has alot of calories. I am determined to kick the soda habit.
  • msharif71
    msharif71 Posts: 34 Member
    Soda is also my weakness! I do the same thing saving calories etc. I tried to quit cold turkey, but I caved. The withdrawl was agony, what I do is every other day no soda until I give it up totally!
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    I quit cold turkey last year. I was really addicted to soda. It's pretty much all I drank. I actually quit drinking everything except water. The longer you go without it the less you want it. When I did finally drink some, I didn't really even want it. Now if I feel myself really wanting a soda, I find just a sip or two is really enough. I still only drink water, and occasionally some juice. We ate pizza tonight and really like soda with pizza, so I made myself a small 4 oz glass with ice, and it was plenty. I'd only suggest this though once you have completely quit drinking soda for a while. Your body will stop craving it once it's out of your system.
  • ruthechesney
    ruthechesney Posts: 34 Member
    I love the salt idea! I have pretty well weaned myself off of soda. It isn't good for you, diet or regular. It does carbonate your blood if you drink too much of it (Yuck). I do have one every once in a while. Since I am prego, I really don't want hopefully it will stay that way:)
  • birdieintx
    I quit cold turkey in December. I was drinking diet soda so I wasn't saving myself any calories but I was saving my health. Soda is just rotten for you, period. The first week was pretty painful but I don't even think about it or crave it anymore. And the best thing is, all the fizz and chemicals caused such bloat that as soon as I cut it out it looked like I had lost weight even though I hadn't!

    Suck it up, get rid of it, you're health will thank you!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I was addicted to diet pepsi....I quit cold turkey 20 days ago....I drink a ton of water with lemon/lime.
  • Kristentheviolinist
    eeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!! Don't do diet soda!! I beg you. It is worse for you than regular soda is (not that reg. soda IS good) If you don't believe me, look up the chemical aspartame, and you will see why!!!
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    Oh wow...that's a GREAT idea. Thanks!!!
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    Soda use to be a biggie for me to. But I dropped sugar for diet, then when 2012 hit, I said no more! So I went cold turkey and haven't missed it. I found a wonderful white peach tea that has now taken presidence over soda. Just find something that can be your go to sub when you need it.
  • denise_earheart
    diet soda???? I don't have a soda issue but I like to relax with a beer or two or a few glasses of wine every night ...
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    Honestly, the crazy chemicals and artificial sweeteners in diet pop scare me more than the sugar in regular pop. Just because it has lower calories doesn't mean it's better for you.

    I've never really had a sweet tooth & I never really liked pop, but I have a lot of friends with this problem. Obviously the best choice is to quit cold turkey (every time you want a soda, chug some water instead) but you could always maybe try water flavours (with NATURAL, not artificial sweeteners) or infused water (fill a big jug of water and cut up some fruit in it.. leave it overnight and it will have a subtle sweet taste the next day).

    Good luck! :)
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions!! It's nice to know i'm not alone on this :)) I don't do diet, so it's regular or bust for me. I'm definitely gonna try the salt thing. Again...Thanks so much!!!
  • LPS1986
    LPS1986 Posts: 104
    Soda is my weakness!! Ughhh, and it's aggravating. I find myself exercising to earn calories, or saving points. Today I was able to have only 2 and I didn't freak out. Anyone else have this problem??? Any ideas on how I can change this habit???

    I like zevia sodas.