Savory Oatmeal Ideas

I was curious if anyone had any savory ingredient ideas for their plain oatmeal. I've heard of putting mushrooms and garlic salt in it. Any other ideas?


  • FitBritt1
    Hi JJRCLR,

    I really like this recipe from Ellie Krieger and the oatmeal is super tasty! I also like adding cinnamon and raisins or just cinnamon, milk and brown sugar.
  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    For the liquid, I will sometimes use half lite coconut milk and half water. That's the lite coconut milk from the can. It makes the oatmeal very creamy and you don't really taste the coconut. I will also add cinnamon for the last couple of minutes it is cooking. Sliced almonds are good, and they add some protein. And a wee bit of almond butter in there...amazing.
  • FitBritt1
    I thought of another oatmeal idea. I have been eating oatmeal pretty regularly the last month or so. I cut up a granny smith apple and I put it in boiling water for 3-5minutes or until it becomes soft. I then put it in a container with cinnamon. The next day when I make my oatmeal I add the apples and it is so tasty! Although you could use whatever apple you like!
  • seanwebster
    seanwebster Posts: 83 Member
    It's not often the world looks to Scottish cuisine for health tips, but they know their oats. Look up recipes for something called Skirlie. It's more like a rice thing than a "bowl of oatmeal" thing.

    Going more that direction, if you pick up some steel cut or whole oat groats they behave much more like rice, barley, etc. Good for soups and stir-frying.