
About me: 22 yo, 5'4", 126 lbs, 19.4% BF. Not bad stats, right? Except most of my fat is in my midsection.

I was just reminded of the real reason why I'm so concerned about my stomach fat. On Monday I had sent my mom my before and after pictures from Insanity. I called her today for our weekly chat, first thing she says to me, after hi, was "You changed so much in your pictures! But your stomach is still large. Can you try to work on reducing that? Try to find some supplement or exercise that will get rid of belly fat. Do some research, you're smart." And this is why I didn't tell her I was trying to lose weight until I was nearly done with Insanity. My poor relationship with my body definitely stems from her shallowness. It was difficult for me not to hang up on her right then and there. Sigh.

I've been trying SO HARD to lose this stomach fat. Is it my fault my body doesn't want to let go of it? I hate how shallow and superficial my entire family is. It's really affected me and I hate myself for it. Honestly, I wanted to get a better body just so my family, especially my mom and brother, would stop making such remarks about it. My mom complains about being a size 2 and not a size 0. My step-dad is an amateur body builder who works in the body building/weight loss supplement industry. My brother is vain to the point of being gay (but he's not gay). My step-sister is a future porn star. Why can't my body be perfect? I've always had stomach fat for as long as I can remember. I've also never been able to lose it no matter what I tried in the past. Why can't weight loss work for me like it does for everyone else?

Ugh, I need a good outlet for these negative emotions. Too bad I already did my workout for today. Maybe I'll do it again. And now I'm crying. I hate my body. Not true. I hate how I feel about my body. There's nothing wrong with my body. End rant.


  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Tell them to take a long walk off a short peer...lol. But, seriously, don't let their vanity mess with your head. Size 2??? Good grief. Do your own thing, work at a healthy life style, and just IGNORE their snide comments. Easy for me to say, I know. I'm not in your position. But, it sounds like you're doing great....and doing all the right things. Don't let their attitudes get you down! You look very pretty in your picture, and don't look at all overweight. Hold your head high girl!!!!