Motivation after!

I'm fairly new to mfp and its been a while since I've used this site since I've had three surgeries since September. I lost just over 50 pounds prior to mfp then my health took a turn for the worse. I had my appendix removed in September, a small bowel resection in November and just this month I had an incisional hernia repair from an incision from previous surgery. I know the foods I should eat, temptation isnt much of an issue anymore. I havent been in the gym in a little while due to pain before and after surgery and this is where I need help. It has only been a week since my last surgery and I know I'm still healing so I dont want to hurt myself so I'm just walking as much as I can for now but I need some motivation to get myself back in the gym. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself and end up with more surgery or something. I'm scared. I need to lose more weight though. I still need to drop 140 pounds to be at my goal weight. I dont go back to my doctor for my follow up for a little bit so in the meantime I'm trying to get a good idea of when to go back to the gym, what to start out with..just cardio?

Any suggestions/motivation for me?


  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    I had my appendix removed about 5 weeks ago and honestly the best thing is to heal for at least 4-6 weeks before you even start. I would watch your calories intake for the next few weeks aiming for 1200-1500. You will start to lose weight just by doing this.

    I would suggest walking. Try walking about 5 minutes twice a day, 7 days a week (at a very very very slow pace). Every 3 days add 5 minutes to each sessions (again VERY slow).

    Work it up until you feel you are walking at a normal pace again (probably aftter 4-5 weeks after surgery).

    Try walking at least 30 minutes a day (7 days a week) after 5-6 weeks...working on keeping it constant. If you are feeling strong maybe add speed or another session of 30 later in the day.

    You need to pace you self. YOu do not want to injure yourself before you are healed because it can REALLY set you back and cause complications (infections, internal tears, another hermia)

    I did not do any any muscle training until this week (5 weeks post appendix removal) and am only working with 2 pounds weights 5 weeks after my surgery. DO NOT LIFT ANYTHING HEAVY FOR A FEW WEEKS ( more than 5 pounds) OR UNTIL YOUR DOCTOR CLEARS YOU. Once cleared, start with 1-2 pound weights and lots of reps.

    I always at a good level of fitness before my surgery so please take into consideration that you are also building your own stamina. I babied my surgery. I wanted to get healed so I can get myself going.

    Don't jump in anything strenuous. My doctor told me it take 3-5 months to be completely healed from most surgeries so seriously take it easy and build yourself up.

    This worked for me and I am finally feeling back on track.

    It takes time but give yourself time to heal and make your body gets gradually stronger. Don't jump into anything too soon. You are looking to stay healthy and strong for long time. I know you may feel like you are being lazy but you are not.

    Especially if you are watching your food, adding better choices and walking something everyday.
    You just had surgery (3 times in a short period of time). Cut yourself a break. Watch your diet and just walk. Even if its just 10 minutes a day at a slow pace until your can get to 30 minutes at a normal pace (over a period of 3-5 weeks most likely)

    YOu want to make sure you log your food on this website everyday. Use the calories tools to keep you honest and on track. aim for a .5 pound lost until you are 5-6 post sugery as you are working on your walking. Log everything and be honest with yourself.

    You will lose the weight. Its a life long journey dear, make yourself for the long haul. :)

    PS. I have about 70 pounds to lose as well *hugs*
  • ah27205
    ah27205 Posts: 12 Member
    I had my appendix removed about 5 weeks ago and honestly the best thing is to heal for at least 4-6 weeks before you even start. I would watch your calories intake for the next few weeks aiming for 1200-1500. You will start to lose weight just by doing this.

    I would suggest walking. Try walking about 5 minutes twice a day, 7 days a week (at a very very very slow pace). Every 3 days add 5 minutes to each sessions (again VERY slow).

    Work it up until you feel you are walking at a normal pace again (probably aftter 4-5 weeks after surgery).

    Try walking at least 30 minutes a day (7 days a week) after 5-6 weeks...working on keeping it constant. If you are feeling strong maybe add speed or another session of 30 later in the day.

    You need to pace you self. YOu do not want to injure yourself before you are healed because it can REALLY set you back and cause complications (infections, internal tears, another hermia)

    I did not do any any muscle training until this week (5 weeks post appendix removal) and am only working with 2 pounds weights 5 weeks after my surgery. DO NOT LIFT ANYTHING HEAVY FOR A FEW WEEKS ( more than 5 pounds) OR UNTIL YOUR DOCTOR CLEARS YOU. Once cleared, start with 1-2 pound weights and lots of reps.

    I always at a good level of fitness before my surgery so please take into consideration that you are also building your own stamina. I babied my surgery. I wanted to get healed so I can get myself going.

    Don't jump in anything strenuous. My doctor told me it take 3-5 months to be completely healed from most surgeries so seriously take it easy and build yourself up.

    This worked for me and I am finally feeling back on track.

    It takes time but give yourself time to heal and make your body gets gradually stronger. Don't jump into anything too soon. You are looking to stay healthy and strong for long time. I know you may feel like you are being lazy but you are not.

    Especially if you are watching your food, adding better choices and walking something everyday.
    You just had surgery (3 times in a short period of time). Cut yourself a break. Watch your diet and just walk. Even if its just 10 minutes a day at a slow pace until your can get to 30 minutes at a normal pace (over a period of 3-5 weeks most likely)

    YOu want to make sure you log your food on this website everyday. Use the calories tools to keep you honest and on track. aim for a .5 pound lost until you are 5-6 post sugery as you are working on your walking. Log everything and be honest with yourself.

    You will lose the weight. Its a life long journey dear, make yourself for the long haul. :)

    PS. I have about 70 pounds to lose as well *hugs*

    Thank you so much! That helps a lot. I really do feel like I'm being lazy! I know I'm swollen because of surgery but I cant even fit into any pants, I've been living in my gym pants for the past week. Its really depressing. I'm still walking at a slow place as I'm still in a lot of pain but I guess its better than nothing. I guess I'm just really afraid for when I actually go back to the gym....I'm struggling to sit up without having to grab something to help me, I can't imagine doing any strength training! I know once I'm healed this will be different but in the meantime it scares me and I'm so afraid I wont have the motivation to get in the gym once I'm healed.

    Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it. Its nice to have someone tell me I'm not just being lazy because I certainly feel that way!
  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    you are up..this way you will heal bettter and faster

    give yourself at least 4-5 weeks and always get the doctors ok before you start.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Getting back to exercise following surgery is really tough. I've had two abdominal surgeries in one month, and it took 3 to even get back on my feet again. (Really bad appendicitis rupture) I've had to get my gall bladder removed too. Not been great to my digestive tract. It took about a month following the gall bladder to get back to exercising. So don't get too down. Give yourself time to heal!
    In the meantime, stick to light movement when you can. If it hurts, even a little, stop! Stick to walking, swimming if you have the access to a pool. Listen to your body, it will tell you what you can and cannot do. No doctor can tell you that!
  • ah27205
    ah27205 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys, I appreciate it! I didnt even think about swimming..its not in my normal workout but thats a great idea, thank you! I hadnt even though of that. :) I have 8 incisions from the surgery a week ago so as soon as those heal up a little bit more I'll be a fish.

    My digestive tract still isnt back to "normal" yet so I'm having to deal with that as well. ANY kind of food makes my belly upset and I'm having to eat very tiny meals which does help a little I guess...

    Thank you for your help :)
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Great advice from everyone so far.... You must be medically cleared before you begin anything..... And it's usually about 6-8 weeks after any surgical procedure before they will do so -- I had 4 surgeries in 2009 :-) That was a rough year.

    Good luck!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    The best advice I got after my hysterectomy 3 years ago was to take it only get one chance to heal correctly, so don't blow it. I'm so glad I listened to that advice. Even when I was feeling like I could move a mountain (only about 2 weeks after surgery), I remembered that I had major surgery and it would take time to heal. I waited 6 weeks before I did much of anything. Definitely wait for the go ahead from your doctor. Happy healing!
  • sueyan
    sueyan Posts: 1
    thank you for the advice. I'm so worried about weight gain after surgery.I'll wait on my Dr.s OK to start excercise. Just short walks for now'. and watching calories