


  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Steamed until it's bright green!

    I have three bunches in my fridge right now!

    Wow, I am really excited about asparagus...
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Fresh is great. Canned is mush.
  • bigsean72
    bigsean72 Posts: 12 Member
    saute with salt and throw in some fresh garlic
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    wrap in foil, add a small amount of olive oil, place on grill while you cook your meat or chicken. Let it cook on the grill for 15 min or so and you should be good.
  • lightstruck1
    lightstruck1 Posts: 52 Member
    bump! I just recently discovered it too!
  • butterfly10398
    Grilled, with just a little bit of soy sauce to flavor it... Wrap it in tinfoil, put it on the grill and cook until it is warmed through, and just a little bit crunchy... it's DELICIOUS!
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    its great in omlettes, just make it soft first.

    as for the pee it must affect people differently... makes mine smell like flowers.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I love to spray it with I can't believe its not butter and put it in my george forman grill. It keeps its crunchiness, and tastes super yummy!

    I like to put parmasian cheese on it too and toss it in pasta. Yum!!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    its great in omlettes, just make it soft first.

    as for the pee it must affect people differently... makes mine smell like flowers.

    It makes my urine smell rancit. I have to hold my nose for a couple of days after eating it.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    its great in omlettes, just make it soft first.

    as for the pee it must affect people differently... makes mine smell like flowers.

    It makes my urine smell rancit. I have to hold my nose for a couple of days after eating it.

    i guess im lucky! lol... i might not like it as much if it made my pee smell bad... usually only affects me for 12 hours or so
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I just roll them in olive oil and sprinkle with seasonings and bake usually. Sometimes I just pan fry/saute them to conserve our propane.

    While I've ate asparagus for many many years since I was a kid and teen but it was always canned and cooked to death. I started making it from fresh asparagus in my early 20s.
  • LadyNeshoba
    LadyNeshoba Posts: 159 Member
    Steam it first for about 10-15 min (I steam it with my green beans)

    Then I heat up some Oil in a pan and toss some garlic in and then I add the asparagus and green beans and I saute them all together for a few min and right before they're finished I sprinkle them with salt and then DIG IN!
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    Roasted with a little olive oil and some sea salt. 400 degrees for 10 minutes or so - until it is as done as you like.
    Same preparation and then grilled. Delicious!
    I just bought some yesterday. Can't wait to have it.

    thats what I do. Sometimes after its baked I will squeeze half a lemon on it or sprinkle some parmensan cheese while its still hot.
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    what a coincidence. i just made asparagus for the first time tonight on my families recommendations. i tossed it with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh garlic and baked it for 25 minutes on 425 flipping once throughout. i gotta say... without the garlic, i don't think i would have enjoyed it very much. it was kind of mushy and i'm not that into the texture. and yes, it was fresh not canned.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I thought it had to be well cooked.... I boil mine in a shallow pan of water until the bottom end of the stalk is fork tender... I cut about 1/4" off the bottom before cooking, too... And it makes your urine stink, btw!!! Kind of embarrassing when someone goes into the bathrrom right after you!!! ;D

    lol!! I love asparagus, and have eaten it for years....but the first time my hubby tried it, after he went to the bathroom he was all freaked out - saying "I think something's wrong with me, my pee smells!!!"

  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    what a coincidence. i just made asparagus for the first time tonight on my families recommendations. i tossed it with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh garlic and baked it for 25 minutes on 425 flipping once throughout. i gotta say... without the garlic, i don't think i would have enjoyed it very much. it was kind of mushy and i'm not that into the texture. and yes, it was fresh not canned.

    Cooked too long, perhaps? Asparagus is best when still firm. :) Steaming is good!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    bbq, or roast with garlic, steamed, or thrown in a stir fry.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    IT's so good for us too.
    I chop the spears into thirds, place in a bowl. Boil the kettle and cover with boiling water for 3 mins. Then remove and they are good to go.
    You could go on to sauté briefly in butter and garlic.
    I like them on smoked salmon with poached eggs.
    Best kept al dente. too soft or mushy - you killed it.
  • Linkedkube
    Trim, toss in pan with your fav choice of vinegarette, 3 mins boom, tasty and crunchy
  • Gratzi
    Gratzi Posts: 21 Member
    Roasted asparagus is so yummy! Just make sure you dry it well before roasting. If you don't, it will steam and get mushy instead of staying crisp.