
Pre-warning you that this may seem like a stupid question...

I have recently started to do a spin class, this is an absolute killer for me but going to stick with it.
My main 'worry' is that it will make my already ample thighs, even bigger? Or will it help slim them down??!


  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Cardio burns fat, so it will slim them.... But it really depends on your current body fat % and natural muscle shape.
    I have naturally large thigh muscles, but a high bodyfat %, so I do cardio to help reduce body fat % and then weights to tone the muscle.
    If you already have a low bodyfat %, then you won't see much "slimming" in your thighs, but they will tone up.
    If you want to seriously tone up your thighs and you don't need to lose body fat, you need to resistance train :)