Insults & abuse



  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    Because the definition of "lazy" is actively improving your health. Forget that punk. Next time you go running near his house, bring a Snickers bar along and throw it at him! :laugh:

    I'm considering taking the dog so she can leave her own snickers bar in his garden! haha

    Thanks for all the support
  • jessie580
    This made me so upset for you. I am sorry you have to go through this!
    please don't let some LOSER hurt you like that.
    Go do your thing! you shouldn't be stuck in the house.
    several years ago wen i was on a health kick i use to go out walking round where i live till some young upstart shouted out look at the state of that from his car, terribly hurt i stopped walking and put all the weight bk on. i now only exercise in comfort of my bedroom and have bought myself a cross trainer/exercise bike.

    who looks there best wen exercising, puffing and panting, covered in sweat and bedraggled hair but can still be hurtful :sad: :embarassed:
  • jennmartin82
    What a #?**?#!! Obviously so self concious about himself that he has to pass this off with unnecessary insults to other people who actually have made an effort to do something for themselves. They are probably jealous. Ignore people like that as hard as it is, because you are worth so much more.

    This! I agree 100%! You are so worth it!
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    This made me so upset for you. I am sorry you have to go through this!
    please don't let some LOSER hurt you like that.
    Go do your thing! you shouldn't be stuck in the house.
    several years ago wen i was on a health kick i use to go out walking round where i live till some young upstart shouted out look at the state of that from his car, terribly hurt i stopped walking and put all the weight bk on. i now only exercise in comfort of my bedroom and have bought myself a cross trainer/exercise bike.

    who looks there best wen exercising, puffing and panting, covered in sweat and bedraggled hair but can still be hurtful :sad: :embarassed:

    I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree, whilst I am able to vent my anger and laugh it off I do realise that others cannot and do get affected by this. Please, Please carry on with your fitness outdoors and not let empty headed f**kwits put you off!! There is a great big gym just outside your frontdoor within which your only limitation for a workout is your imagination!!! Do not let your fun be spoilt by idiots.

    I posted this to see if others have had similar occurances and plainly they have, so I say this F**K the haters thay ain't worth ****!!

    again many thanks for the support and well done to all on MFP