Constantly freezing? Eat more?

The past 2 weeks or so I have been constantly freezing, I can't seem to warm up! Usually I'm always too hot, but now I have the heater cranked up, wearing my sweatpants & sweater and have a blanket around me and I'm still cold!!

I read somewhere that this could mean that my metabolism has slowed down because of eating less calories. The same article said it could also be due to a layer of fat. I am eating around 1300 a day and feel good in general except for being cold all of the time.

I lost 10 pounds last month, my first month here on MFP. I thought this was a lot to lose in one month which was why I increased my calories from 1200 to I doing this right?


  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    It's because it's below freezing outside. Buy some thermal vests.
  • It's because it's below freezing outside. Buy some thermal vests.

    I'm not outdoors, I'm indoors and it is 71 (22 celcius) degrees in here.

    Any serious replies to my question?
  • Vickied84
    Vickied84 Posts: 327 Member
    I've been having the same problem for the last week. I'm in door running around at work usually in 71 degree building and I'm freezing all day long. I thought it could be the amount of ice cold water I was drinking (21-24 cups) I didn't think about it being my calorie decrease. I lowered my calories last week so that could be it. Sorry I don't have the answer but I'm curious about this also.
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    I actually have a cousin who battles an ED, and she has said that she is almost always FREEZING and has a very hard time warming up. NOT suggesting you are starving yourself or anything of the sort, but it does make me think that there must be some correlation between how much you eat and your temperature?

    As for me, my hands and feet are almost always cold due to poor circulation...maybe that is happening to you as well? I guess my only advice would be to drink a warm beverage and maybe talk to a nutritionist and/or doctor if you are concerned :)

    Stay warm!
  • It might be related but I've always had absolutely freezing feet even when I wasn't reducing calories. My S/O is always really warm and he doesn't count/reduce his calorie intake at all.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Last year I did a "fad" diet and dropped weight like crazy...and I was freezing all the time! Once I stopped the fad I of course gained the weight back. Last week was week #1 of losing weight the healthy way (exercise and counting calories) and dropped five pounds (chalking it up to first week water weight)...but I was freezing all week long! I live in cold country (Michigan), but this was in my house with the furnace going! I definately think there is a coorelation between the two--same type of "freezing" when the only thing I could do to warm up at all was blankets!!
  • Yeah, maybe I need to up my calories some more...I think I may be losing weight too fast. I have MFP set to 1.5 pounds per week.