Starvation mode



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You will go so many differing opinions on here...I havent been a member on here long but have been losing weiht for a year and lost around 70 lbs so far so am at least able to go on my own experience of what works for me...

    Personally I do NOT buy into the whole "eat back your workout calories" theory. I work out to burn calories, not so that I can consume more, my body has plenty of stores to burn!

    I would say though to ensure you do consume at least 1200 calories to be safe and if you want a bigger deficit then work out.

    I have to say though you dont really look like you have 20 lbs to lose, so you may have to expect it to be a slow process!

    As I said, just my opinion of what works for me, guarantee I will be agreed with as well as contradicted...

    Good luck!

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back and I consistently lose body fat % every week.

    Do you track your body fat?

    Most likely you they would be losing muscle and fat by not eating them, but still more fat then muscle, but if they did eat them back they would lose less weight but be a lower BF% at their goal weight.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Many different opinions, I will definitely aim to eat 1200 calories from now on!

    I'm 5'2, 19 and was weighing 123.5lbs on new years day. Cut out junk food as best as I could and gave up on pop. Recently started TurboFire. I want to lose 20lbs because that is what I gained from my first year in college and I used to feel extremely sluggish everyday!

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    I agree with this 100%
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    It's simply not true that this applies to everyone. I'm skeptical that it happens to anyone at all and having read several scientific papers that have studied it I remain that way. However there seems to be a good weight of anecdotal evidence on these boards that suggests this is real for some people. But it is totally wrong for you to suggest it's true for everyone since there is similar anecdotal evidence that many don't fall foul of this. Myself included. I am a data junkie and a serial yo-yo dieter. I can evidence years of diets running up to 20 weeks in duration with caloric intake and expenditure measured, bodyfat measured weekly and in all cases for me my fat loss has been consistent until cessation - at which point I go back to my unhealthy ways and regain it all over the following 18 months :laugh:

    No no, you are definitely correct that it doesn't apply to every and it also is determine by how you calculate your calories. If you have it in your TDEE, then you wouldn't eat back calories. But those who are on VLCD and lose weight rapidly, tend to lose a significant amount of lean body mass. I have seen several studies (especially with runners) where they eat LCD and burned a ton of lean muscle mass, making your metabolic rate 25% below the average of their same here.

    I, too, am a data junkie, so right on :drinker:
  • DelilahNguyen
    Many different opinions, I will definitely aim to eat 1200 calories from now on!

    I'm 5'2, 19 and was weighing 123.5lbs on new years day. Cut out junk food as best as I could and gave up on pop. Recently started TurboFire. I want to lose 20lbs because that is what I gained from my first year in college and I used to feel extremely sluggish everyday!

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    Okay so what should I be doing instead? How can I ensure I lose fat and not muscle mass??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    It's simply not true that this applies to everyone. I'm skeptical that it happens to anyone at all and having read several scientific papers that have studied it I remain that way. However there seems to be a good weight of anecdotal evidence on these boards that suggests this is real for some people. But it is totally wrong for you to suggest it's true for everyone since there is similar anecdotal evidence that many don't fall foul of this. Myself included. I am a data junkie and a serial yo-yo dieter. I can evidence years of diets running up to 20 weeks in duration with caloric intake and expenditure measured, bodyfat measured weekly and in all cases for me my fat loss has been consistent until cessation - at which point I go back to my unhealthy ways and regain it all over the following 18 months :laugh:

    The less you have to lose the more likely the loss of muscle is to occur, to help combat that requires heavy strength training and a lot of protein. Your body fat still may have dropped, but it would have dropped even more if you deficit was smaller. So by having a larger deficit you will reach your goal weight quicker but be at a higher BF% then if you took more time (smaller deficits) to reach that goal.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You will go so many differing opinions on here...I havent been a member on here long but have been losing weiht for a year and lost around 70 lbs so far so am at least able to go on my own experience of what works for me...

    Personally I do NOT buy into the whole "eat back your workout calories" theory. I work out to burn calories, not so that I can consume more, my body has plenty of stores to burn!

    I would say though to ensure you do consume at least 1200 calories to be safe and if you want a bigger deficit then work out.

    I have to say though you dont really look like you have 20 lbs to lose, so you may have to expect it to be a slow process!

    As I said, just my opinion of what works for me, guarantee I will be agreed with as well as contradicted...

    Good luck!

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    My body fat percentage is way down and I am more toned, please dont start lecturing, I made it quite clear that my post was my opinion of what IS working for me and nothing me, I do not profess to know anything more than that.

    Sorry, wasn't trying to track as I don't know who you calculated your calories. But from my experience, I have seen a ton of people do this and hurt their metabolism a lot.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Dont focus on losing weight, focus on losing bodyfat. Take a look at that skinnyfat vs fit picture that someone posted earlier. Check out this link to measure your body fat at home:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Many different opinions, I will definitely aim to eat 1200 calories from now on!

    I'm 5'2, 19 and was weighing 123.5lbs on new years day. Cut out junk food as best as I could and gave up on pop. Recently started TurboFire. I want to lose 20lbs because that is what I gained from my first year in college and I used to feel extremely sluggish everyday!

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    Okay so what should I be doing instead? How can I ensure I lose fat and not muscle mass??

    Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, eat back your exercise calories and eat 0.7-1.0 grams of protein per lb of bw (should be in the range of 30-40% protein), all while lifting heavy weights.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Many different opinions, I will definitely aim to eat 1200 calories from now on!

    I'm 5'2, 19 and was weighing 123.5lbs on new years day. Cut out junk food as best as I could and gave up on pop. Recently started TurboFire. I want to lose 20lbs because that is what I gained from my first year in college and I used to feel extremely sluggish everyday!

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    Okay so what should I be doing instead? How can I ensure I lose fat and not muscle mass??

    You said your schedule was hecktic, but do you have the ability to do strength training? You want to be able to calculate your TDEE and then back off 20% for a deficit and eat enough protein (about 80% of yoru body weight in grams)
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    You will go so many differing opinions on here...I havent been a member on here long but have been losing weiht for a year and lost around 70 lbs so far so am at least able to go on my own experience of what works for me...

    Personally I do NOT buy into the whole "eat back your workout calories" theory. I work out to burn calories, not so that I can consume more, my body has plenty of stores to burn!

    I would say though to ensure you do consume at least 1200 calories to be safe and if you want a bigger deficit then work out.

    I have to say though you dont really look like you have 20 lbs to lose, so you may have to expect it to be a slow process!

    As I said, just my opinion of what works for me, guarantee I will be agreed with as well as contradicted...

    Good luck!

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back and I consistently lose body fat % every week.

    Do you track your body fat?

    Most likely you they would be losing muscle and fat by not eating them, but still more fat then muscle, but if they did eat them back they would lose less weight but be a lower BF% at their goal weight.

    There's too many factors to make a generic statement about this. I would buy that if the person was solely doing cardio for an exercise routine. But I strength train 4 days a week I take 13 measurements every week to track my progress and I am adding LBM while burning fat.

    Simple fact of the matter is this. My body preserves muscle over fat especially since I am constantly putting said muscle under stress with resistance training. The body stores fat for energy for when it's at a deficit and I've got my fair share of reserves.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Simply stated....
    You are going to fail with this approach.

    Starvation diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You will go so many differing opinions on here...I havent been a member on here long but have been losing weiht for a year and lost around 70 lbs so far so am at least able to go on my own experience of what works for me...

    Personally I do NOT buy into the whole "eat back your workout calories" theory. I work out to burn calories, not so that I can consume more, my body has plenty of stores to burn!

    I would say though to ensure you do consume at least 1200 calories to be safe and if you want a bigger deficit then work out.

    I have to say though you dont really look like you have 20 lbs to lose, so you may have to expect it to be a slow process!

    As I said, just my opinion of what works for me, guarantee I will be agreed with as well as contradicted...

    Good luck!

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back and I consistently lose body fat % every week.

    Do you track your body fat?

    Most likely you they would be losing muscle and fat by not eating them, but still more fat then muscle, but if they did eat them back they would lose less weight but be a lower BF% at their goal weight.

    There's too many factors to make a generic statement about this. I would buy that if the person was solely doing cardio for an exercise routine. But I strength train 4 days a week I take 13 measurements every week to track my progress and I am adding LBM while burning fat.

    Simple fact of the matter is this. My body preserves muscle over fat especially since I am constantly putting said muscle under stress with resistance training. The body stores fat for energy for when it's at a deficit and I've got my fair share of reserves.

    If you have a lot of fat gaining muscle in a deficit is a possibility, but the OP does not have this excess, so most likely would lose some lean mass while cutting.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    You will go so many differing opinions on here...I havent been a member on here long but have been losing weiht for a year and lost around 70 lbs so far so am at least able to go on my own experience of what works for me...

    Personally I do NOT buy into the whole "eat back your workout calories" theory. I work out to burn calories, not so that I can consume more, my body has plenty of stores to burn!

    I would say though to ensure you do consume at least 1200 calories to be safe and if you want a bigger deficit then work out.

    I have to say though you dont really look like you have 20 lbs to lose, so you may have to expect it to be a slow process!

    As I said, just my opinion of what works for me, guarantee I will be agreed with as well as contradicted...

    Good luck!

    Start tracking your body fat and we can show you the affects of "not eating back your exercise calories" on your metabolic rate and the amount of lean muscle you lose.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back and I consistently lose body fat % every week.

    Do you track your body fat?

    Most likely you they would be losing muscle and fat by not eating them, but still more fat then muscle, but if they did eat them back they would lose less weight but be a lower BF% at their goal weight.

    There's too many factors to make a generic statement about this. I would buy that if the person was solely doing cardio for an exercise routine. But I strength train 4 days a week I take 13 measurements every week to track my progress and I am adding LBM while burning fat.

    Simple fact of the matter is this. My body preserves muscle over fat especially since I am constantly putting said muscle under stress with resistance training. The body stores fat for energy for when it's at a deficit and I've got my fair share of reserves.

    If you have a lot of fat gaining muscle in a deficit is a possibility, but the OP does not have this excess, so most likely would lose some lean mass while cutting.

    I agree, my first thought was 20lbs from where?
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I personally think this 1200 calorie number is BS. I'd venture a guess no one here can even tell you where it came from. But there's no way it's the same for me a 6' male as it would be for a 5' female with two totally different lean body mass weights.

    erm, no. 1200 is BMR x 1.2 to allow for some daily activity. Agreed it's approximation, and it is higher for men than women and is weight dependent. You need to check your settings.

    Wasn't speaking about my settings, simply making a statement.

    Indeed, and an incorrect one at that.
  • skconrad
    skconrad Posts: 10 Member
    Only talking from experience, but yes your body will let you know if you are not getting enough. I have been doing a weight loss program at our local fitness center - at 4 weeks into a heavy weekly workout routine and consistently under 1200 calories - I gained .8 pounds. I was so frustrated. But if this happens - my trainer had me eat high (2000 calories) one day and then up my daily to 1400. Have to say it worked the past two weeks have had 3.8 and 3.2 losses.
  • DelilahNguyen
    Simply stated....
    You are going to fail with this approach.

    Starvation diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.

    Very simply put, thank you!
  • DelilahNguyen
    Many different opinions, I will definitely aim to eat 1200 calories from now on!

    I'm 5'2, 19 and was weighing 123.5lbs on new years day. Cut out junk food as best as I could and gave up on pop. Recently started TurboFire. I want to lose 20lbs because that is what I gained from my first year in college and I used to feel extremely sluggish everyday!

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    Okay so what should I be doing instead? How can I ensure I lose fat and not muscle mass??

    You said your schedule was hecktic, but do you have the ability to do strength training? You want to be able to calculate your TDEE and then back off 20% for a deficit and eat enough protein (about 80% of yoru body weight in grams)

    Yes very hectic but as long as I manage my schedule I will be able to do whatever is necessary. What is TDEE?
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    You will hear a LOT of differing views on this, but here is my personal opinion.

    If I exercised and have some remaining calories but I'm not hungry, I won't force myself to eat. However, I try to net at least 1200 calories a day. Also, from personal experience, I found that I broke my plateau and started losing more by eating more. Sounds weird, but it's true!

    If you find it's hard sometimes and you don't know what to eat, go to high calorie foods that are good for you...ex: almonds, nuts, peanut butter with apple or banana, stuff like that! That's what I do!
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member

    You probably dont' have 20 lbs to lose. That gets dangerously low on the scale. You would be better off working on burning body fat than losing weight. Weight is kind of meaningless and won't determine how you look in a bathing suit.

    The military has a skewed view of what healthy is too, at least the Air Force anyway. Their max waist size for any male is 39 inches... You can't tell me the guy that is 5ft 2in tall should have the same max waist size as the guy that's 6ft 4in tall... They have a single cookie cutter measurement for a population that can vary by near over a foot in height.
  • DelilahNguyen
    Only talking from experience, but yes your body will let you know if you are not getting enough. I have been doing a weight loss program at our local fitness center - at 4 weeks into a heavy weekly workout routine and consistently under 1200 calories - I gained .8 pounds. I was so frustrated. But if this happens - my trainer had me eat high (2000 calories) one day and then up my daily to 1400. Have to say it worked the past two weeks have had 3.8 and 3.2 losses.

    Is this like calorie shifting?