no weight loss this week



  • Annmarie49
    I bought a heart rate monitor last weekend and still haven't used it yet...was even thinking about returning it! I've just been using the MFP calories burned as a guide. I might just break it out for tonights workout to see how close the two #'s compare. Although...I usually only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 of my exercise calories just in case.
  • Annmarie49
    calories vs the 1000 that is listed on mfp! That's a HUGE difference when you're watching your calories like a hawk ;-)

    I bought a heart rate monitor last weekend and still haven't used it yet...was even thinking about returning it! I've just been using the MFP calories burned as a guide. I might just break it out for tonights workout to see how close the two #'s compare. Although...I usually only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 of my exercise calories just in case.
  • Annmarie49
    not getting the hang of this posting thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seem to have re posted several time with some quotes..... duhhhhhhhh

    The difference with using the HRM have been so variable.
    I listed my own classes as detailed on their website with calorie burn, bought a HRM as everyone on here was relating to them and discovered my calorie burn is eratic at each class..... must depend on how hard I am working at each session.

    I now use it for ALL my classes/workouts, sometimes I am way above the 'average' listed and other times around 10% deficit.

    I think it is the most positive and most accurate as we will get is with the HRM.
  • sarchie6608
    I'm glad to be on MFP, I really needed the encouragement today because I had a 1lb weight gain this week after losing consistently for a little over a month.

    Reading these posts has given me a lift! We are doing a Weight loss challenge at work, so for the first time I didn't come in all smiles and had to pay up! It's ok....I know I've not been eating enough and it showed up on the scale this week.

    Looking for next week to be better!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I went through two weeks where the scale wouldn't budge...and then the following week I "lost" 2.5lbs. There could be a lot of reasons for not seeing any changes in the of the main culprits is water retention. However, even though I wasn't "losing" weight on the scale, my measurements around my waist, chest etc were decreasing and my clothes were fitting better. I know that it's difficult to get passed the scale because we are conditioned to view small changes on it as a measure of "success" or "failure" but it's really not indicative of the physiological changes your body is undergoing. So my advice is...if the scale isn't moving try on a couple of your clothes...measure yourself and take pictures if you need will start to realize that the scale is sometimes not the best way to measure success.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I agree scale is not my friend this week, but I took measurements and they are a lot less than when i first measured in Jan 28th so something must be working
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    the people who critique diaries make me so ANGRY.

    Why? If you eat crap, you know you're doing something wrong for your weight loss and / or for your health. You should be angry at yourself, not at people pointing it out.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I bought a heart rate monitor last weekend and still haven't used it yet...was even thinking about returning it!

    Please don't (unless your returning for financial reasons) its a fabulous tool!
    If I was using the LesMill 'Average Burn' as a guide I'd be logging 560calories burned for each Pump session, whilst 530 is the very most my HRM has logged (and its usually 460ish) As I do 3 a week (plus other classes) this could make a huge difference overall! x
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Pick up the scale, put it in the back of a closet, and ignore it for a few weeks. Focus on what you can control and quit worrying about what you can't. As long as you are doing the things you can control (eating and exercise correctly), that which you can't control (the scale) will eventually follow.

    I was on a 5-week stall and just finally lost another pound. Yet, in that month, I went down a pant size. Do I care if the scale didn't move much? No. Not one little bit.
  • BuddhaBelly79
    I am curious ((and of course you don't have to answer on here publicly lol)), could it be near your time of month? I am curious because I had this SAME situation on my last weigh-in. Not only that, but I GAINED 5 pounds nearly overnight. I finally broke the mysterious 5 pounds, but maintained my weight for a SECOND week...didn't lose anything. I read that a woman's cycle can wreak HAVOC on her weigh-ins...and to never be discouraged.


    This is gross, but it's the honest truth.....Could it be possible that you are in need of a good......well, urm......"evacuation"......((trying not to make anyone barf)). I was maintaining, not losing, and it really had me baffled......until one night the whole grain cereal and dozens of oranges from that week caught up with me and sent me running for the outhouse lol. I know it's SO yucky to discuss, but even if you dont FEEL "hung up", you might actually still have a lot going on in there...and like me, you may be surprised that you finally see a change in the scale lol.


    SODIUM. OMG sodium. I hold water REALLY bad, and SO easily. My hubby started helping me to eat low sodium foods so that I could stay at or just under my daily recommended amount per MFP, and after a good week of low sodium diet I felt a total change in my "bloat".

    It can be a lot of natural factors as to why you are not losing. You very well MAY be losing INCHES, just not scale weight. Maybe it would be good for you to take measurements, and then next month, take them again...see if you are indeed "LOSING". The measurement, after all, is what we all want to see improved right? LOL. The scale can be deceiving. I am no specialist, no dietitian, no doctor, I am only sharing with you some of the things I have noticed on this journey so far. PLEASE don't get discouraged. You know the TRUTH about your food diary - no one else needs to know. If you know that you are eating less than admiral foods, work on that...but if you know that you are drinking your water and eating smart, then do not be can just be your body's natural "issues". Keep at it.....regardless of that scale THIS week...soon it will all break even. DO not give up!! :-)
  • a21smp
    a21smp Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not sure why but I also think it's because of the significant weight loss the previous week. I'm personally stuck and have actually gained 5lbs so I'm totally bummed. Hope things get better for you, good luck
  • john233
    A week is too short ... just keep at it, GOOD LUCK!:)
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Lately, I usually have a really good weight loss one week (2 pounds or so), and then gain a little back, and then by 2 weeks later I've gotten below that weight and show a loss again. You really have to look at it long term - that week where I gain or just maintain is a little frustrating, but overall, as long as you are going in the right direction its OK. Remember, you are supposed to be making life changes, not quick fixes!! Overall, I am averaging .75 to 1 lb loss per week, which is good for me, since I am already in a healthy weight range.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    You haven't been at this long enough to hit a plateau. You have to take the weight off the same way you put it on ... one lousy pound at a time. You didn't gain 10 pounds overnight and you won't take them off overnight. Be patient, it WILL happen. Weigh your food, exercise daily, rest one day a week, put your scale away for a bit, take your measurements, etc. Here is a good link that explains plateaus:

    Great job on losing the 9 pounds!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Give it a couple weeks, I've had weeks where I didn't lsoe and then all of a sudden I step on the scale and a pound and a half is gone.However if you consistently are stuck at that weight for several weeks and havent lost any inches try eating more every day or spike dieting
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    I didn't lose weight this week either. BUT, I did stick to my diet and I ate lots of healthy fruits and veggies. So, that means that this week, I maintained a healthy lifestyle, and isn't that what being on MFP is really about? Maybe next week the scale will be kinder, or maybe not. I am happy with what I am doing and am staying positive because I bet other numbers like blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol could be improving too!
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    Thank you for bring this up! The first week it just came off and the second week alittle slower and this week nothing but a 1 lb that keeps coming back. I was thinking of taking it easy today but after reading the comments that were posted on your comment, I will bundleing up and getting out in the snow for my walk don't think I will run . Thanks MFP and keep on working to your goal.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Most of you that are commenting have "join dates" of January just started your journey! BE PATIENT! it takes your body time to adjust to the changes you are putting it through! Yes, it is very discouraging to not see a constant loss but in all reality, a slow steady loss is perfect! You are NOT going to just drop the weight off. It didn't come on over night and it's not going to fall off over night.

    This is HARD work and anything worth doing is not easy! You also have to feed your body. Do NOT get sucked into the idea that if you eat less and workout longer it will speed the results...the opposite will happen.
    In fact, when you feed your body you will be able to bring more intensity to your workouts. You have to switch things up too. Can't just walk on the treadmill every day and expect great losses.
    Try something new from time to time and play around with your calories. Also, you can eat whatever you want and stay under calories but you have to remember that there is a truth to eating quality calories not just watching the quantity of calories. Sure you can come in under your calorie goals eating twinkies all day but is that going to fuel your body??

    Just a few thing to ponder and re-evalute what you personally are doing. I didn't look at anyone's diary or exercise log so maybe you are doing all of these things and maybe you aren't.
    Just don't give up. I've been at this for 6 months now and JUST came off of a SIX week plateau! You can do it! It has been hard, I have cried, I have gotten mad and today I am fighting an injury that is holding me back. It sucks but in the big picture...I'm almost there!

    You took the words out of my brain and put them on my screen!
  • Annmarie49
    Thanks everyone, this is all really encouraging and motivational too. i empathise with all of you who have been 'stuck' at the same weight. If I know to expect it sometimes, it will be easier to accept.

    i know I am in this for the 'long haul' and happy to be doing it.

    I just thought because i weighed all my food (portion control) ate 'healthily' with NO unhealthy food, drank lots of water & stuck to my calorie intake , exercised like a demon.......... my expectations were raised, I now realise I will have to accept that this is how my body may respond..... next week is another chapter and will certainly be sticking with it.

    A HUGE thank you to all MFP friends for taking the time to respond and show you care....... hope i am able to help some of you out in the future x x