Gained 1/2 pound but not down

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting on the boards. I have been doing myfitnesspal for a while now off and on. Certainly helps keep me in reality and focused. :)

I started out weighing 307 December 27, 2011. Today I weight 290.6. I'm thankful for the loss, but I have so much further to go. I'm not down, but I want to make sure I don't get that way. This is a long journey for me to be healthy. I know I will get there. I haven't introduced exercise into my program yet, because I'm still trying to adjust to eating healthier. One small step at a time.

The reason I posted is to possibly get your feedback on what to do for late night cravings. EEKS!!

Thanks for hearing me out. Onward we go. :)