Time to focus on strength?



  • nutandbutter

    The Bible of strength training.

    The only problem with Starting Strength for unsupervised newbies is the Clean and Jerk. The C&J is tough to get down without someone knowledgeable supervising. I've read excerpts of New Rules for Women and it seems like she knows what she's talking about. I'm actually thinking about getting that book for my wife, who sticks to her workout classes and refuses to touch a weight.

    I agree but just want to point out that NROLFW is written by a man, Lou Schuler. I read the book but instead decided to focus on something more basic. I do my compound lifts and some "bonus" isolations if I feel like it. Also, startingstrength.com is an excellent resource. There's a bunch of videos about form there. A must watch is the squat bar positioning. Literally transformed my squat.