
I've had a look at this and I'm thinking of giving it a go. Has anybody got any experience with this? It's supposed to work really well.


  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I have finished one round of P90X and am currently doing a P90X / Turbo Fire Hybrid. I have done alot of Beach Body programs and really like P90X. I am doing the hybrid now just for a change of pace so I don't get bored :) Another thing about Beach Body is their money back guarantee....try it and if you don't like it, you can send it back within 30 days. I have also used this feature with some other BB programs with no hassle. You also can get help from Beach Body coaches if you have any questions as you are going through the program....you can also get good advise on MFP! You can buy P90X through a second party - like ebay - but the guarantee is void.
    good luck with your choice!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I have all the DVDs from a friend of mine, and am going to add the plyometrix and abripper routines to my work outs as supplements once my butt feels better (rehabbing from a broken a coccyx). I'll let you know what I think when I give them a shot.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been doing P90X since Jan along with Insanity and I've lost 13 lbs and droped 4 sizes. I did P90X with some running a year and a half ago and went from a 10-12 to a 4-6. I was really stuck into a routine before I did P90X and figured I was stuck at a size 10, but P90X really changed my shape. The only thing, like everything else, is that you have to stick with it. I stopped after 4 months and got lazy and gained some back. But this second time around I'm dropping the weight quicker and my abs are coming back faster. I recommend it (but you need to also add more cardio than just P90X to your routine if you want to see the max results). Of course, that is my opinion from my experience. Good luck!!!
  • MrJase
    MrJase Posts: 88 Member
    Nice one guys thanks gor the replies I'll give a go and let you know how it goes!