getting off this wagon soon.

and not because my wagon journey has ended, Feeling a bit of a mess today so I need my little vent and rant.
I currently sitting at the 119lb range. (i know, i shouldn't be complaining, I'm glad I'm healthy and not at a weight thats considered "obese". never have, never will be, thats why i appreciate where I am at).
However being here for over 2 months and not seeing a change? I know it takes smaller people a lot longer to loose weight but this is getting ridiculous. You name it, i"ve done it.

Changed my meals from eating 3 times a day, big meals, not eating healthy (I never drank soft drink, or ate fast food religiously), ate huge bowls of pasta and white carbs, drank ALOT of alcochol (what do you expect im 21?)
I cut out all complex carbs (pasta, rice, bread) except for oatmeal in the morning. Eating more protein, eggs especially (i HATE EGGS!!, no matter how i cook them they still taste gross, so they go down Rocky style usually).

I upped my excercise too. Im currently doing 30DS every morning (no rest days, on rest days i usually just do 30ds). Tae the dog for a 2 mile run every morning as well.
In the afternoons I hit up 2 workouts, and some bodyweight training and some more running/jump rope.
I live 45 mins away from town (ergo, no gym)
also, no work=no money= no home weight machines.

I get discourage i see people getting 250+ calorie burns for doing 30DS, i can barely get 70! (and yes, i am doing it properly).
It takes me 10 minutes at 7mph on the treadmill to get anywhere over 100 cal burn.

anyway after 2 months. not a change. drastic diet overhaul, drastic exercise overhaul. no weight change (dont care really).
no measurement change (this is do care!). I don't have cheat days (maybe cheat meals, a mini cheesecake here and there, a teaspoon of choc chips, but then i feel guilty and workout).

I don't have a set plan/routine, which is what's getting to me i think, i'm doing this all from what I research.

Currently searching out, but all the protein shakes, supplements and stuff= wow, bug bucks!

The point is, i could've sat on my bum for the past few months and had the exact same result. I know it takes longer but seriously? this long?

I see people incorporate macdonalds into their diets and still loose weight.

i just dont get it!!!

sorry about not having very presice points and being kinda all over the place, im just bleh!


  • Shutterpillar
    I have definitely seen a change in your muscle tone in your pictures on your profile. Dont give up quite yet.

    Bumping for encouragement. :)
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I agree.. You look a lot more fit now than before.. it hasn't been all for nothing! F the scale.. I bet you've lost plenty of inches.
    I have definitely seen a change in your muscle tone in your pictures on your profile. Dont give up quite yet.

    Bumping for encouragement. :)
  • nutandbutter

    I don't have a set plan/routine, which is what's getting to me i think, i'm doing this all from what I research.

    Currently searching out, but all the protein shakes, supplements and stuff= wow, bug bucks!

    I do see a difference in your pictures but ^ this is the problem. You don't have a routine. Search for a routine. Here I just searched "at home routines" for you.

    You don't need the shakes, supplements and other *kitten* there (and most of the people there will tell you this). You are 5'5" and 119 lbs. You aren't happy with the way your body looks. You need to add muscle. Look around in the female section of for inspiration.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    This is purely my opinion but based on a simple fact and being bluntly honest.

    Change your mental awareness of you what you are doing.

    You have made a shift to what I am interpreting as a "Diet" in the generalization of the name. Get it out of your head that you are on a diet and understand the true definition. Think about it...Doctors dont ask..."What diet are you on?" if you are overweight. They ask you "How's your diet?" Your diet is the regular routine of nutritional intake.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You know something that works really well when you can't go to a gym or afford weights? Bottles of water. Cans of soup or beans or anything like that. Pet food bags (if you have animals), or kitty litter (that stuff is heavy!). Use what you have around you. I started lifting wthl cans of Progresso soup. It works!
    You know why some people can burn so many more calories than you do for the same exercise? They weigh a LOT more. You're a skinny mini! Congrats, you've earned it! Feel good about it, and don't compare yourself to others. You are a unique person on a completely unique journey! No worries, you've got this.
    You've made some terrific changes for yourself. You are fantastic!

    Good luck!